Daily Tarot Reading-12/29/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! This year hasn’t been “easy” for any of us. In fact, it’s been more like a training ground–preparing us for the changes to come; personal and global changes. I would say to no longer wish for an easy year, because easy means nothing has changed. While you may think you would like a pause in changes, the Universe is going full speed ahead, like a river. Changes will continue and are inevitable. Instead focus on accepting and detaching from specific outcomes.

As soon as you can learn to surrender to the changes and growth taking place, the quicker the peace and ease will come. This way you’ll no longer be fighting life’s natural flow. Allow things to unfold and just be–allow yourself to unfold and just be.

We’re all going through an adjustment period as we transition from one state of being to another. Everything has its purpose and though you may not understand it now, one day you will as long as you are open and aware. The Lotus Flower in today’s card lives and grows in the mud–in the darkness, and comes up to receive the light as many times as it can. It understands the power of each, light and dark, and works with both equally. Though this time may feel dark, intense, and uncertain, learn to use it to your benefit. Learn from it to tap into your personal power.

The best piece of advice I can offer you today is this, you’re going through a period of growth and so naturally growing “pains” are occurring. This won’t last, but don’t rush through this process. Just like the Lotus Flower, you will have your opportunity to bask in the light. Be patient.

Have a blessed day all!


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