Daily Tarot Reading-2/13/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! I know I’ve been speaking about meditation for the last few readings, but it is an important tool for these trying times. Because Mercury Retrograde is in Aquarius (an air sign), our thoughts may be more scattered than usual. You may have a challenging time of discerning what’s real from illusion, causing doubt or worse. But don’t fret, this is temporary and there are solutions.

There’s always a solution even if you can’t figure it out quite yet. Your mind may be clouded and/or overwhelmed by the stream of thoughts, and this is where practices such as meditation and mindfulness come in. What seems real and true for you today may not be tomorrow, so be present with whatever is going on and know that it is only here for now.

Globally we are all feeling the strain of this pandemic. We are ALL in this together; don’t feel like you are the only one experiencing anxiety, panic, confusion, loss, and the list goes on. In fact, now is the time to reach out for help. Talk to someone about what you’re feeling and experiencing; learn to express yourself, which is the path towards healing and balance. If you feel like you don’t have anyone in your life to turn to, there are plenty of free hotlines you can call for assistance. Do a quick online search and there will be a plethora of free options for you. If you’re a student, check with your school which should also have a wealth of options for you. There are also plenty of free apps with free, guided meditations, as well as on Youtube. Point is, there is always a solution. You are not alone, and there is hope even if you don’t feel so hopeful today.

Again this is not the time to jump into anything new or make grand plans. This is a time for rest. When you are sick the first thing you are told to do is rest. Well, even if you don’t feel “sick”, treat yourself as such because we’re all experiencing a form of collective sickness–a heart sickness–from pain and loss. We are all grieving the loss of how things used to be; a loss of meeting up with people and all of the things we may have taken for granted. There’s also the physical losses of loved ones, or even if you don’t know someone personally affected by Covid, the lives lost is staggering enough to affect anyone in some way. I’m saying all of this so you can be the most gentle with yourself. Be gentle if you want to stay in, or if you feel afraid to go outside, or if you want to stay in bed. Allow yourself to do whatever you can do bring ease and comfort into your life and space. Just always remember, be loving with yourself. You are precious and needed in this world.

Patience is the key here. Be patient with yourself, with this process, with your body, with your mind, with the planets, with God…channel any restlessness you have into something creative, but FUN. Or soothing. Make a list of all the things you’d want to do with any free time you have, but it can’t be a chore or an errand–it has to be something for you. One of the things I’m looking forward to doing is making candles. I had actually learned how to make candles over a year ago. I bought many lovely, scented candles around the holidays, but I notice they never quite make it all the way down, leaving about an inch or two of scented wax. I was inspired to collect that wax and reuse it, to create new candles. I may even give some candles away; we’ll see. But it’s something that will be calming for me and will have some use.

Tap in to your emotions; what is your heart telling you? What is your body telling you? Listen to these aspects of yourself if your mind is testing you. Know that the clouds will part and make way for the Sun, and light. But remember that darkness also has its place in Balance, so use this darkness for renewal. Seeds grow in the dark earth; we grow in the darkness of the womb. The darkness is where creation lies; use it to your advantage.

Have a blessed and soothing day all!


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