Daily Tarot Reading-3/2/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Yesterday I mentioned this is an auspicious and lucky month, but many of you are still going though rough patches and you may have missed the money train. Don’t fret; resources are still on the way, just a bit delayed. I get the sense that this month will be the “hump” to get over, as we transition from winter to spring.

The Universe works in perfect timing, so whenever there’s a delay or bump in the road, the first thing you want to ask yourself is if you put that obstacle there. We are wonderful at self-sabotaging ourselves, so check to see if there’s anything you did (or are currently doing) to block your gifts. Even with self-sabotage though, the Universe will always try to get your packages delivered.

If you’ve ruled yourself out as a possible hindrance to your blessings, then it may be something else going on that you are not privy to. Trust the process and use this moment to assess if the path you were on was really in your best interest. There’s always something better just ahead. Look at the characters on today’s card; they are caught in the middle of a storm and are exhausted, but they see a warm and inviting home just ahead. Just a few more steps and they’ll be warm, loved, and safe. Again, if you’re going through hard times, just know it will not last forever. Safe horizons are just ahead.

When you’re feeling “broke” and down on your luck, that is when you really have to pull yourself up and raise your vibes. Have a pity party, but just a small one and just for a little bit of time, then take a deep breath and focus on what is in your power now. You may not be able to change your outer circumstances right away, but you can change your perspective. You can change your reaction and approach. You can ask for help and you can receive it. Don’t give up on yourself and your dreams.

For many of you, you may have come into some money recently but are struck with the fear of losing it. You may be holding on to money too tightly, afraid it’ll disappear on you. Money is meant to be moved around. Hoarding it will only create other problem you don’t really want in your life. Yes be cautious with your sending but do pay it forward and give back. Tithing is not just for the good times, in fact giving back when you’re down is a sure way to boost yourself up again. Give back even if you feel you have nothing to give. It doesn’t have to be monetary.

How much money do you think you need in order to feel safe? No amount of money can guarantee your security; you can be rich and paranoid about losing your status, and therefore no place is safe. Your security comes from within; learn to rely on that and no matter what conditions you are living in, you will always feel safe. But yes, your needs are met and will continue to be met, because you are loved. Again, change your perspective about your outer conditions and watch how quickly they change.

Have a blessed day all!


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