Daily Tarot Reading-3/9/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Yesterday’s reading was about harnessing the raw power of the Universe, and because of the grounding message received today it tells me that maybe you took in more power than you can currently handle.

I used the example yesterday of a lightning rod–you being the channel for the Divine energy and downloads. But it may have been more than you bargained for, so you have to get grounded in order to fully process the blessed changes taking place. Doing this will help you understand the signs, thoughts, and messages you are currently receiving.

I hope today is beautiful wherever you are. Here in New York we are set to have a sunny and warm day, which is so needed. I try to spend as much time in the Sun as I can, to soak up the magic healing rays. If you find yourself feeling more scatter-brained or confused than usual, or even restless, take some time to ground your body into Mother Earth. You can do things like being in nature–go for a walk in the park or just sit outside. You can put your feet on the ground or even hug a tree. If you’re homebound, you can soak your feet in Epsom salt or even take a full body bath in it if you can. If you have house plants, place your hands into the soil for a few minutes and imagine your burdens sinking deep into the pot. Don’t worry, our beautiful Mother Earth knows how to transform the energy you give her into something useful; nothing is wasted in nature.

Another way to get grounded is to get into your body. Try exercise or yoga; any physical activity that gets your body engaged. As well, meditating on your Root Chakra can help you feel secure, and anchored in this experience. You can try many different methods to ground yourself. The point is to take a break from the stream of unclear thoughts racing through your mind.

This is a time when you will be able to create something magnificent from the darkness you have recently experienced. Growth happens in the darkness, just like the roots of a tall tree. You will soon be able to use your experiences in the darkness to your favor. It can be in the form of a work of art, such as a poem or painting, or a story, or a class you teach, etc. Don’t be afraid to put your experiences out there. Start first by sharing your experience with a loved one. Who in your life can listen to you, without judgement? Explore your thoughts and feelings with another, in order to help you fully process and heal.

Have a blessed day all!


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