Daily Tarot Reading-3/10/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! It’s easy to lose sight of your focus. We have so many distractions around us, all fighting for our attention, and sometimes the loudest or flashiest hypnotize us into making it our priority. Be more discerning of your time and what you give your energy to. Every moment is precious. It’s time to focus more on the sacred.

In the desert there is open space and a different sort of energy; one that is quieter. Life is still present but it’s not as loud or flashy. Here you have to seek the resources you need, as they are not readily available. Your Vision Quest today is to make time (and space) for what’s most important. Take a good look at your daily schedule, routine, and priorities; what can be put off for another time? What can be moved to other days? What needs to be at the top of your list? Yes there will be mundane things which we perceive as important to do in the day, such as work and career priorities, but what else is of true value? Can you make room in your lifestyle for Spirit?

Out of the 10 things you feel you need to today today, which are the top 3 which must get done no matter what? And out of those top 3, do any include an aspect that has to do with your self-care? Mental health? Wellness? Love? Are you taking care of yourself in the way you need to? Yes it’s important to make sure the bills are paid, but your bills are not your life. Your bills do not give you the emotional and spiritual nourishment you need. Reorganize what is truly of value to you. This is the time to assess where you are and what you value. Get clear and organized.

If you are able to today, clear your schedule, or make some room for quiet time. A moment to sit in peace and with yourself–your thoughts and emotions. If you feel comfortable, aim for being in a meditative state; mindful and receptive to the messages Spirit has for you today. And if you can do this in nature, even better. This exercise will help you gain the clarity and insight you need, to help you make the best decisions for your life. This is a time to tap in to your Higher Power. Do not allow the daily noise to distract you from your true purpose.

Somewhere along the way we forgot our missions here on Earth, and we got caught up in the endless rat race of working and paying bills, and striving to achieve nearly impossible standards. But your soul is tired and longing for something more and better. By tapping in to your Higher Self, you will be reoriented. Tap in to the Divine consciousness that you are; you are so much more than you think and do.

Have a blessed day all!


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