Daily Tarot Reading-3/14/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Tap in today to your most basic, primal self; that most authentic and innocent part of you. Since the beginning of humanity we have all strived to learn about ourselves and about our purpose here; who are we and why are we here? Who created us? What do we have to do? In a way what I’m describing is like a reset. If you think of yourself as a computer, then you want to revert back to the earliest version of yourself, even if only temporarily.

Did you know that your genetic makeup holds information from your earliest ancestor? In other words, you share traits with the earliest iteration of yourself. Can you imagine what your earliest ancestor was like? What was the world like then? How did they adapt to their environment? Most importantly to today’s reading, how did they express themselves? In today’s card you see the representation of an early human, expressing themselves through painting on a cave wall. What we may view as a form of art, to them may have been a form of communication or language. How can you express yourself in non-verbal ways today?

This is an important time to create something of value for yourself. There may be projects or goals you have been putting off, and are not focusing on. Take time today to work on this project; it will be successful if you follow the cues Spirit is sending your way. But work on this project as your ancestor would; they would not have had a computer or Wi-Fi. The best way to work on this creative endeavor is by harnessing the power of nature. Find inspiration and answers in our own natural resources. Step outside and allow the trees, the birds, the grass, the sun, to be your canvas. This is how you can tap in to the wisdom of those who have come before you. Actually take the time to step away from the busy world and busy mind, to create a sanctuary for yourself, even if just for a little while.

Whatever it is you are being called to create is something of value for yourself and the world. It will help to bring healing, harmony, and balance within yourself and others. This project is part of your mission, and is about providing a service to others, even if you may not see it that way now. Just trust that you are being led to the best outcome for you. Tap in to your ancestral wisdom today for insight and clarification.

Have a blessed day all!

P.S: I am moving my blog to another platform; if you’d like to continue to receive the daily readings please be sure to subscribe to my email list here, so you won’t miss out. The transition will be happening within the next week and I don’t want you to miss any of the readings.

As a bonus for joining my list, I am also including a complimentary copy of my “Divine Deposits” e-book, for spiritual support in boosting your income.

Thank you for your continued support!


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