Daily Tarot Reading-3/30/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Mother Mary, Queen of the Angels, is sending help your way. Whether you believe in them or not, Angels are always on standby to lend a helping hand; they can assist in a number of ways to help you feel safe and supported. Also know that Angels can take on many forms. Your answered prayers are being sent on the wings of the Angels today.

Pray for the help you need today; all you need to do is ask. It can be as simple as, “please angels help me”. By asking you give them permission to intervene in your life, for your highest good. Many times our prayers are answered by Earth Angels; these are beings on this plane of existence who you meet, and come to your aid when you need it most. I had hit another rock bottom in 2013; I had taken a leap of faith towards my dream, and things ended up being so much harder than I thought. I had a breakdown in the middle of the day–I was sitting outside of an ice cream parlor and was bawling my eyes out. I called my best friend for support, and she helped me by listening to my struggles. I was just about to give up on my dream when a stranger walked by and handed me flowers, and smiled. She just handed me some wildflowers and went on her way. She didn’t say anything or ask for anything. And in that moment, I felt God was there. God (Universe, Source, etc) is always present, but moments like that really help you feel connected. My tears stopped and I laughed! I actually felt myself lighten up, and a whole boatload of hope surged up in me. I swear, from that day on things just got better because I knew with all my heart they would. Point is, that lady was an Earth Angel. She didn’t have to do what she did, but that simple act of kindness changed my world forever.

Pets and animals can also be Angels. Nature has so much to teach us about love and the natural order of things. Nature just is; it doesn’t have to impress anyone or be anything it is not. Sometimes our own furry friends can help to uplift and inspire us. Be open to whatever form the angels take to help you on this journey of life.

Surrender your woes to the angels today. These messengers of Spirit know more than you do about your circumstances; let them lighten your load. Don’t forget to give back and serve as an angel yourself when you can. Show more acts of kindness to others; even a smile can go a long way. Everyone has their own personal struggles and pain that they are dealing with; sometimes it just takes a bit of human warmth and compassion to remind us that there is always hope.

Be grateful when your prayers are answered, and know that you deserve to be helped. You are worthy to receive. Have a blessed day all!

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