Daily Tarot Reading-4/1/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family, and Happy April! Learn to cultivate awareness of the Divine presence in your everyday life. It’s so easy to feel disconnected because there’s so much noise and distractions in this reality. God’s messages are subtle and sweet, just waiting for you to take a moment to listen. Find ways today to notice the Divine all around you.

We can pray and meditate and learn to tap into the Divinity within ourselves, but sometimes it’s more challenging to witness the Holy in our outer worlds. Holiness is all around us; in the Sun, Moon, and Stars. In the sway of the trees, in the chirping of the birds. The Holy is everywhere; allow yourself to perceive it. Ground yourself in Spirit so that you can allow yourself to be helped, and receive the answers to your prayers.

We all need spiritual allies, and no you do not need to be religious or have one set faith to believe in the spiritual. Spirit is in everything, is everywhere, and is available to us all. The more you can stay curious to the messages, signs, and wonders sent from the Divine, the more miracles you will perceive; your reality will indeed shift.

We’ve all been through some hard times, but we’ve also been through some good times. Don’t allow the challenges and pain to override the moments of peace and joy. The Divine Mother wants you to know today that those signs and messages are all sent to let you know that you are loved, and supported. The presence, protection, and peace of God (Source, Universe, etc) is always with you. You are this world’s greatest gift! Those hard times are teaching you something or are preparing you; they are moments to stop and listen to what Spirit has to say. These moments are powerful for reflections and becoming aware of what path you have chosen in the moment; there are always opportunities to course correct.

Every moment has a cycle, and we will be moving into more ease, as long as you can go with the flow of life. Always ask Spirit for the help you need, and be open to receive. As well, be more open to change. You might have noticed that you are no longer connected to some people from your past, or connect with stories of who you thought you were before. That’s growth my love. There’s no need to mourn who you were; rejoice at the person you have become. Everything is unfolding beautifully; have faith.

Have a blessed day all!

P.S: If you haven’t already subscribed to receive the daily readings to your e-mail, you can do so here.
As a bonus for joining my list, I am also including a complimentary copy of my “Divine Deposits” e-book, for spiritual support in boosting your income.


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