Daily Tarot Reading-4/2/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! “Hope is Kindled” said Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. There’s a flame of Hope and Faith within us all, and maybe it’s been burning low lately; just know that it will never go out. Allow your inner fire to be rekindled, and burn brighter than ever before.

All of us are tired and exhausted from this pandemic, but if you’re reading this, you’re still here. You made it this far. So what’s next? I know for me, every day has seemed like the same day, just waiting for something to change, or something new to happen. And yes there are little changes here and there, but I have felt like I’m living in a time loop; waking up to the same day over and over. It’s hard to feel inspired when everything feels monotonous. Or it could be the opposite is true for you, and every day has been filled with so many changes that you’re afraid to wake up to something else; some other bad news or tragedy. Let’s make a promise to ourselves here and now to live better days.

You don’t have to wait for a major change or for someone else to make things better for you. We can do this! We’ve done it before; we have shifted our lives and have really gone after what we wanted. So what do you really want to experience? The Holy Mother, Mother Mary is here to tell you that she is tending to your inner flame, and you will feel a new sense of strength to go for what you want. To actually be able to connect with your Divine, inherent power to receive the manifestations of your cherished dreams.

This fire is also cleansing, so use it to purify your thoughts, emotions, and intentions today. Put into the flames what is no longer working in your life, even if you don’t have a clear picture of what that is. Just allow this force to be healing and nourishing for you. One of the main things you can place in the fire is control. We’ve been tricked into believing that we have domain over everything outside of ourselves, when in fact the only thing we have control over is ourselves; our thoughts, emotions, intentions, reactions. Sure you can choose what you want to do and where you want to go. You can choose who to have in your life and what kind of work to engage in. But choice is never a guarantee for anything. You choosing to love someone doesn’t guarantee that they will love you back. You choosing to show up to life doesn’t guarantee you won’t have a challenging experience. Choose to think, feel, or react in ways that bring you a greater sense of inner peace. Place this fake “control” into the flames and it will help you let go, and actually flow with life.

Have a bit more trust in your spiritual allies (and if you don’t have any, please get some immediately). They want you to succeed. They have all their Faith and Trust in you. Give them a little more credit and thank them for all that they do for you. They are working tirelessly behind the scenes, even if you can’t see it for yourself. Ask them to remind you of their presence. Ask them to remind you why you’re still here today. And know that they will answer you.

Have a blessed day all!

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