Daily Tarot Reading-4/11/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! There will be a moment coming soon where you will have what you need, and more. You will be aligned with Abundance. However, it’s important to stop and appreciate the gifts life bestows on you–this is what will keep the Abundance coming in. And remember that Abundance is more than just money or material possessions–it also includes things such as your health, your loved ones, and more.

The vibration of Lack is very sneaky, and we often aren’t even aware when it enters into our consciousness. It can be as simple as complaining about something you have. I know a person who will make a nasty comment about the food they’re about to consume (for example that it’s too salty, or too greasy, etc) but then continue to eat the dish. Imagine what kind of signals you are sending to your body if you’re consuming something that you already hold in a negative light? Believe it or not, vibrations matter so much, and they manifest in different forms into our experiences, whether as a physical illness, for instance, or something else. The more you can be grateful for what you have, the more grateful you will be. Either way, whether we want something or not, when we focus on it we are essentially telling the Universe to send us more of that same energy. It’s time to shift the narrative.

Lack can also appear as greed–never being satisfied with what you have. It can appear as envy–wanting what others have that you don’t. Or as disappointment–not appreciating the blessings currently in your life. I get that sometimes you may feel down about something that may be missing in your life, such as a romantic partnership for example, but if you can for a moment shift your perspective, you might find the treasure you’ve been sitting on this whole time. And if you can’t seem to find a different perspective, ask someone you love to show you the way. Love is always the answer.

For those of you who have been hurt in the past by those you Love–what they showed you was not love, it was lack. It was pain. Don’t be afraid to open your heart and love again, but most importantly be open to loving yourself. The more you can love yourself for the beautiful and Holy being you are, the more of that loving vibration you will attract into your life.

Be sure to work with the laws of the Universe, not against them. If a monetary gift is bestowed on you, then be sure to take a bit of that to give back to the world. Abundance is about movement, which is why currency (money) is always being exchanged. Give back wholeheartedly to a cause you are passionate about, or even to a recommended cause. Every action we take has a karmic consequence, so the more you can engage in the balanced practice of giving and receiving, the higher the probability you will remain in times of plenty. But even in times of lack, help is always on the way.

Have a blessed day all!

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