Daily Tarot Reading-4/23/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for April 23rd, 2021:

Allow your cup to be filled by another today. This is true of Love in all forms. Be open to give and receive love, and to live a more loving experience. If fulfillment is found in the expression of your love towards someone else, then love fully. Never hold back the pure, loving energy that radiates from within; this is what shapes your outer experiences.

Help, support, guidance, information, will come from someone else–this message will be necessary for you, in order to move forward. If you’ve been feeling lonely, reach out to someone. It could be a trusted friend or family member, a therapist, a spiritual counselor, the list goes on. Currently there are more and more resources for those who are feeling isolated, due to Covid, so just think of what resources you have at your disposal today (there are plenty!).

For those of you who are single and longing for romance, don’t give up hope–the seeds of partnership have sprouted. Listen to the guidance you receive; maybe you will be guided to download a dating app, or go to a gathering–you never know who you might meet. Venus and her Cupid are helping us all feel a little more warmth from the vibrations of others.

For those of you currently in romantic relationships, be sure to appreciate each other even with little gestures, such as saying ‘thank you’, or being more attentive to one another’s needs. Romance and passion don’t need to always be explosive and exciting; there could be a slow burn which would just be as hot. Remember to take things slow and steady, as is the way with Taurus. Small gestures can go a long way. And if you’ve been trying to grow your family through pregnancy or adoption, also be patient with yourselves and your rhythms. Everything happens in cycles, and soon you will be in the cycle of bounty. Use this time to cherish and strengthen the bonds within your family as is.

We all have female and male aspects between us, as is the way in nature. There is always a duality in our experiences; day and night, light and dark, yin and yang. We should always strive for balance within our dual natures, but there will be moments to celebrate a singular aspect within ourselves; in this instance it’s time to honor the Divine Feminine within us and all around us. Not only are we in Taurus season (ruled by Venus) but Fridays are usually considered as a day of Venus. Plus we just recently celebrated ‘Earth Day’ and Mother Nature…honor the feminine principles of creativity, patience, and wisdom. Most importantly, Love. Celebrate Love and it will celebrate you.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

Deck used: Vision Quest Tarot

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