Daily Tarot Reading-5/3/2021

Deck used: Earth Magic Oracle Cards

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 3rd, 2021:

The Universe is confirming that the seeds you planted at the last New Moon which have yet to sprout, will sprout by this upcoming New Moon (May 11th). Some seeds take a bit longer depending on how much has to be done to prepare for its growth. Between now and then you will receive confirmation of the manifestations of your dreams; stay open to receive and also be flexible with the form.

For many of you, new love is imminent. Stay hopeful that you will be aligned to cross paths with a potential romantic match. Cupid is out and about playing matchmaker, so stay visible. Things might not be the same these days, but you can still be visible and approachable, even while social distancing. This is a time of innovation, as we get closer to Gemini season; new kinds of dating rituals are possible. Maybe your “date” could be a picnic in the park, or a watching a movie via Zoom–don’t deny whatever form new love takes for you. And for those of you currently in relationships, this is a time of renewal of love. We’ve all changed so much; get to relearn who your partner is and what their new likes/dislikes are, but make sure they are also taking the time to know you as well.

I love the word ‘Promise’ on today’s card because that’s exactly what these manifestations are; they are promises from God (Universe, Source, etc) that you are loved and you are worthy. These gifts, blessings, and more are confirmation that you’ve tapped in to your Divine Inheritance, which is Abundance–available for us all at any moment. Nature completes its promises to us every single day; the promise of the Sun rising and setting, of the Moon waning and waxing, of the birds singing, of the trees swaying…Nature shows up every day, and so should you. We all experience cycles; whatever cycle of darkness you have gone through recently, will thankfully dissipate until its next revolution into your life, but you will always be ready to meet it again.

Your cup is being refilled again; rejoice! Give thanks today and praise yourself for a job well done. This month will be filled with powerful occurrences and changes so pay attention, and rest when the tide is low. Today focus on visualizing what you want to manifest within the next two weeks, but remember to detach from the outcome. Your job is just to hold the possibility in your consciousness, and allow the Universe to determine the form and timing–all perfection.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!


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