Daily Tarot Reading-6/9/2021

Tarot Cards used: Magical Mermaids and Dolphin Oracle Cards

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Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for June 9th, 2021:

As we get closer to this week’s New Moon and Solar Eclipse, a lot will be coming to the surface, including thoughts and ideas you never considered before. “Stuff” from the past will be at the forefront of our minds; old wounds and hurts. But know that this is part of the healing process; everything buried deep down must be brought to the surface for healing. Try to take it easy today.

The most important way to forgive is by self-forgiveness. We hold on to so much guilt and regret, especially to circumstances which don’t matter anymore, but the stories keep playing on in our minds and bodies. Open yourself to the possibility that you did the best you could, no matter the circumstance or outcome, and it’s time to move on to a new chapter; a new way of living. Forgive yourself by loving yourself deeply. Love and accept yourself as you are and how you are. Give yourself a hug and tell yourself “I love you”, and do it often. You deserve to be free of pain and suffering.

Don’t ever doubt that you are being helped. You are receiving the support, comfort, and healing you need every step of the way, even when you feel like nothing has changed. The energy is really dense right now, so it can feel like we’re walking underwater–take it slow and steady, and don’t overwhelm yourself with activities. In fact, the best action you can take right now is to play! Stop trying to figure it all out and do as much as you can. Take a page from a favorite moment of your childhood and recreate the fun and joy of that day. Actually play today; maybe a game on your phone, or with friends, or playing with your children, or watch a really fun movie or show. Point is, relax. There’s nothing that can’t be put off for another day.

Continue to elevate your vibrations with sounds, as mentioned in yesterday’s reading, as well as protecting your energy. If you are an empath, try covering your head with a scarf or turban in a light color–it’ll make things a bit easier for you. If you work with crystals, use them now to protect you and raise your vibes. The more you can relax, the more you can receive. Allow yourself to receive the signs and messages from your Spirit team, especially in the dream time. This will give you the clarity you seek.

Don’t worry, soon we will be feeling vibrant vitality like never before, as we step closer to our dreams, but first we have to let the excess baggage go.


Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

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