Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-August 30 to September 5, 2021

Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for August 30 to September 5, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

I will be posting a daily card on TikTok, and Youtube so find me on there and get a reminder of the energy for the day.

The overall energy this week:

The light activations continue this week; we will all continue to receive Divine downloads and blessed solutions. You may feel more inspired to create and take action this week; go for it, but take a moderate approach. The energy will be forward moving, though maybe not as fast as you would like. There are things still being worked out in the unseen; have patience and keep moving towards your goals.

Try to zoom out and look at your overall vision; try not to fall prey to expectations–eagerly anticipate things coming to fruition but try not to obsess over when or how things will come about. Think about a farmer planting a crop; they don’t check on it every single day–they put in the work to support the growth of the seed, and let it do its own thing. So for whatever projects or goals you are working on this week, just remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Every single step you take will get you one step closer to your dream; just be flexible on the Divine timing and form of it all.

Continue to pay attention to and make note of the messages received from Spirit, especially in dreams. If there’s something you need clarity on, ask Spirit to give you clear instructions in whichever method works best for you. Many of these solutions coming forward are the answers to your prayers, so take the guided steps needed.

Continue to ground yourself and nourish your body–we are currently in Virgo season which is all about looking and feeling our best. What form of self-care do you feel you need right now? Taking care of your body is the most grounding thing you can do. Connect with your lower chakras to give you the confidence and security you need, to continue taking action on your dreams.

Dream messages will be particularly important this week. If you are having a hard time sleeping due to all the dreams and downloads, make some time during the day to connect with Spirit–they have so much they want to share with you but the only time you are in “chill” mode to receive is during sleep! Make time for connection through forms such as meditation so you can receive these downloads more in the day, to get your beauty rest.

Monday, August 30th

You have recently overcome a karmic challenge; congratulations! There was a lesson which you chose to learn in this lifetime; something that would benefit your ancestry, and future generations to come. Even if you’re not sure what that lesson was (though many of you do know), just know that you have accomplished something major! A cycle is now closed and you can move on. Whatever the challenge, it was something you (and your ancestors) have been struggling with over lifetimes; they congratulate your work and are ready to celebrate with you!

This is a day of victory! If you have an ancestor altar, refresh your offerings to them, or light a candle for them if you don’t have an altar. Honor them in whatever way you can; they are helping you in more ways than you think. I feel smoke playing an important role today in your ancestor veneration, so also lighting incense or offering them smoke can help as well.

Call on the ancestors for continued wisdom and protection, and also ask them to clear your energy and the energy of your spaces. You want to spiritually clear outdated energy away from yourself, because this is a new beginning!

The action for today is to be proud of yourself; look at how far you’ve come. Work with your benevolent ancestors today; connect with them for healing.

Tuesday, August 31st

We are thankfully heading into a space of more balance; you have successfully integrated the Divine downloads that were sent your way. You have gained much insight and knowledge, for both your spiritual endeavors and practical pursuits. There is also a balance between your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies, giving you the best of both worlds.

Today you have a greater sense of discernment with your physical and spiritual senses; trust yourself completely today. Your ideas, notions, and nudges are on point. If there’s something you were uncertain of before, you will have the clarity you need. Today will be wonderful for moving forward with contracts or agreements, or going over negotiations.

I consider today to be extra “witchy” so if there are any rituals or spells you are interested in performing, today is a good day for this work. I get the sense your spiritual work will be extra potent and accurate today. If you work with deities, they are also blessing your work; the “gods” are in your favor.

The action for today is to plan ahead; use this clarity to peer into your future vision–what can you do today to bring you closer to that vision? Today is wonderful for creating strategies, vision boards, budgets, and plans. Use all your senses to bring your visions to life. As well, continue to pay attention to the messages Spirit is sending you.

Wednesday, September 1st

Happy September! Continue to forge ahead (though at a moderated pace) with your plans, goals, and dreams. I sense many of you will receive important information or news, which will continue to help you move forward. Possibly some of you will receive a job offer today, or a new business opportunity.

Use the current energy wave to ride into success! You have the “Midas Touch” right now; your endeavors will be successful as long as you continue to move forward, and listen to Spirit’s guidance. Many of you will benefit from working with others towards bringing about a dream to fruition; if you’ve been thinking the same thing, start creating a list of who you want on your team.

This is a day where new opportunities are possible, especially related to career or business. If you’ve been wanting a promotion or a raise, create your talking points and set a meeting to negotiate; you deserve what you are asking for, and more. Trust yourself because your intuition is accurate. Say yes if you are promoted to a position of leadership; trust that you have what it takes to succeed!

The action for today is to boost your confidence with a Solar Plexus Chakra meditation, or wear (or focus on) the color yellow. As well, get some time in the sunlight or visualize golden sun rays within you, and all around you. If you have a hard time speaking up about your needs and desires, also consider trying a Throat Chakra meditation, or chanting. You are blessed and supported!

Thursday, September 2nd

Today Spirit leads the charge and is continuing to come to the rescue! Spirit is coming through strong; ask and you shall receive! If you’ve been needing a miracle, this is the time to ask for it! Miraculous healing and manifestation is possible!

Spirit always has your back, and this is your reminder of that. If you feel in any way unstable, unsupported, or overwhelmed today, know that Spirit is taking care of all your worries! For many of you I sense that these worries are related to darker energies trying to stop you, but they cannot because you have a powerful team on your side! They are fighting for you and breaking the chains to all negative energies sent your way. If you feel hesitant about moving forward with something, or not feeling confident, just call on your spiritual family to ground you, and send you a sign of support. If you work with protective entities, such as St. Michael, for example, call on them to help you gather your strength.

But what I feel today is honestly victory! I feel like answered prayers are coming your way, as well as granted wishes. It’s just that sometimes when we are at our highest and brightest, sometimes there are those who are envious, or they may not want us to succeed. That’s their problem, not yours, and you don’t even have to focus on them. All you need to know is that Spirit’s got your back (front, side, bottom, etc)!

The action for today is to be open to receive the miraculous support, and healing energy coming your way! Know that you are safe and so are your creations; you are blessed beyond measure! Be willing to let go of any fears about failure.

Friday, September 3rd

The word for the day is ‘insecurity’. Many of you are still clinging to the past, especially past failures. You may feel unable to continue to move forward because you don’t think you can, or will succeed. As well, some of you feel insecure about leaving people “behind” if you succeed, or grow “too big”. I get it because I’ve been there. But think about it this way, when you succeed, your whole squad succeeds; your loved ones succeed with you because your win is their win. Some of you may feel unprepared for a new role; do not allow these false thoughts and emotions to hold you back.

Actually I get the sense that these emotions may be coming up for healing. Sometimes old, stuck energy comes to the surface when it’s time to let them go, so surrender your worries today because you have no reason to feel down. You have every reason to rejoice because things are working in your favor!

The action for today is to think about everything you have right now to be grateful for. Stay present; get grounded by getting in your body and out of your head. Go for a walk in nature to zoom out of your perspective and see the wonder, and beauty Mama Gaia has for us all. Listen to healing frequencies, such as the Schumann resonance to get yourself back to harmony. Your path is protected, and your victory is assured! If you are sensitive to energies, take extra measures to shield yourself, such as wearing a head scarf, or crystals to absorb other people’s influences.

Saturday, September 4th

You are laying a solid foundation for your sacred future vision; take your time with this process. Oftentimes we tend to get so excited and have so much energy to go full-steam ahead on a project, only to later get disappointed when things are not working out according to our timelines. Try not to set expectations for yourself or your journey. Everything works out in Divine and appropriate timing, not your timing. Spirit knows all and sees all; trust that things are working out according to the best plan for you.

You always have a choice about what steps to take or how to react to different circumstances; you get to choose the direction of your path, of course. You have free will to choose. But consider the great value that waiting on Spirit has. It’s like having someone who knows and anticipates your every move, and can tell you when to avoid pitfalls, and when to take a risk, etc. Today is about trusting in this process and trusting that life will not pass you by and forget to bestow your blessings on you.

Some of you have been guided to create something of value for humanity–something to offer the “world”. I say world but that can mean your community, or your family, or your school—nonetheless, it is part of your mission. Again, you have the free will to choose whether to move forward with this or not, but Spirit is letting you know that this task is part of your sacred mission–this is a path of fulfillment. So this is your message to move forward boldly, because your gifts are needed right now.

The action for today is to trust–trust yourself and trust in Spirit. If you need Spirit to give you clear signs, then just ask for them and be open to receive. Look at all you have created for yourself, and others. Think of how precious and valuable you are to your loved ones, and imagine how precious and valuable you are to the world. Feel fulfillment here and now at all you have accomplished. If it is helpful, focus your mind on other work that is not related to your current projects or goals–“chop wood and carry water”–sometimes the “mundane” work of life can feel just as rewarding as the “big” work.

Sunday, September 5th

We are ending this week, and soon to be starting a new one, right before a New Moon in Virgo. Think of yourself as starting out fresh and none of the old habits or hurts are affecting you now; they don’t affect your life or your dreams anymore.

Today is wonderful to begin setting your intentions for tomorrow’s New Moon (and the energy will be felt up to September 7th). Do your usual rituals, or look some up if you don’t have any. One easy way to utilize this New Moon energy is to create something like a vision board. This is a very creative time, so you may have a million ideas and notions come up–honor them by writing them down. Even if you don’t move ahead with all of them, at least you have something to refer back to.

Pay extra attention to your dreams–make a commitment to write them down as soon as you wake up–keep a notebook close. This is a time where your creative hunches will pay off!

The action for today is to set your intentions–what do you want to manifest this coming month? What do you want to give life to between now and next year? What steps are you willing to take to get there? You don’t have to create a strategy (unless you want to) but at least have a clear vision of what you want to create, and what you want to receive. Don’t just think about what you want, put these desires down somewhere, whether written, spoken, vision board, painted, etc. By putting them down somewhere you are taking them from idea into form–this is the first step towards manifestation.

You are fully supported! The Universe has your back! Ask for everything you want and leave the expectations at the door; just believe that someway, somehow, these dreams will make it to you. Have faith!

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

This week’s deck: The Muse Tarot

(you can view the card of the day on TikTok, and Youtube)


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