Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-October 11 to October 17, 2021

Hello my Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for October 11 to October 17, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

This week is all about creativity and changes. The energy continues to be forward moving and is leading us to work towards manifesting our divinely inspired ideas. Pay attention to your dreams because many creative solutions will be presented to you there.

Spiritual communication continues as the veil between this world and the spiritual realm gets thinner and thinner. Your spiritual family will continue to communicate in whatever way they can to get your attention, especially in dreams.

Pay attention to how the current energetic and spiritual changes are affecting your body, as well as the changes in temperature. Always check-in with your vessel to make sure it is receiving the nourishment it needs. Spend time outdoors to strengthen your body’s resilience to colder weather, as well as to strengthen your immune system. Gather as much sunlight as you can into your body, as our time in the Sun gets shorter and shorter–this essential solar energy will be of great value in the winter months.

Many of you will experience swift changes this week, but sometimes even blessed changes can feel overwhelming. Get grounded in your body–use movement as a tool to get centered. Movement in the body can also encourage movement outside of yourself, so if you are ready to welcome blessed changes in your life, get your body moving–using dance or any other creative form of expression. I get the sense that many of you are being led to making healthier lifestyle choices, so possibly adding more exercise to your routine or making dietary changes; learn to listen to what your body needs.

Lastly, there is a power boost coming to us all–you may feel more confident, creative, assertive, maybe even frisky. Use this energy to propel yourself to where you want to go. Focus on the lower chakras this week, in particular the Sacral Chakra, in order to help you tap in to the power being shared by the Universe.

I post each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube, if you’d like to check them out.

Monday, October 11:

Many of you will benefit from a shake-up in your routine. Today we are all welcoming blessed changes that will help us transition from places where we may have felt stuck or blocked. An opportunity will be presented to us to move from one place of being to another, and yes this could be manifested as a physical move (job, home, or relationship). This is a time to move towards more emotional fulfillment.

You may be feeling stuck in a particular circumstance which has left you feeling bored with life–possibly you’ve been experiencing the same old, same old for a while now and have been needing a change. For some of you this is related to your romantic partnerships–consider planning a trip with your honey; a change of scenery could be just the solution. As well, use the frisky energy being offered this week to try some new tricks in the bedroom.

The action for today is to consider your choices; what power do you have now, to make necessary changes? What action or steps can you take today, to get you closer to where you want to go? Spirit is helping you and supporting you with the changes you want to make, but you also have the power to make changes. Connect with Spirit today and let them know what it is you want, or need.

Tuesday, October 12:

Today is one for healing and forgiveness of the past. You’ve taken grand strides to get to where you are, but there are some remnants from the past that are still hanging around, and need to be released in order for you to move forward. Don’t fret though–this “work” isn’t as hard as you may think…

For many of you, this forgiveness is related to family members. Some of you have someone in your family who passed, and you never got a chance to forgive them (or they did not forgive you before they died). Just know that they are at peace, and yes they are open to forgive and be forgiven. If you can, go to their final resting place, or light a candle for them today, and say a prayer to them. If you are the one who needs to do the forgiving, just know that doing so is for your own benefit.

Some of you may passed-over ancestors which are not so benevolent, and frankly never really found the light. They may be near you or your home–if you’ve been feeling kind of down or oppressed, do a cleansing in your home, and ask your benevolent ancestors to help clear your energy. Light a white candle in your home and work spaces for light, and peace. Obstacles and negative energies are being cleared; no need to worry.

The action for today is to consider how to honor your benevolent ancestors and spiritual family–they are helping you in ways you can’t even imagine. You can keep it as simple or as extravagant as you would like. As well, consider how you can honor yourself through forgiveness. Try a Heart Chakra meditation to help open your heart to give and receive love. You are so loved!

Wednesday, October 13:

Today is the most potent for creative expression. If you have any projects you’ve been working on, or ideas you’ve been wanting to get started on, take baby steps towards completion today. Because we are still in retrograde season, take things slow and steady, but keep moving forward.

Creative solutions are also coming your way, if they haven’t already. You may get the change in perspective you need, in order to see your options more clearly.

You truly have what it takes to be successful–try to keep your eyes on the prize; don’t worry so much over how everything will work out. Your part in this process is to create, while Spirit determines the form–this is your role in this partnership.

The action for today is to work with the Sacral Chakra. If your creative work is related to baking or cooking, consider doing so today with some good music playing. Get your body moving and grooving as you cook or bake, or create–this will greatly infuse your confident power into your products. If you are a visual person, focus on the color orange, or use bright scents such as grapefruit, to get your creative juices flowing!

Thursday, October 14:

Obstacles, blocks, and stagnation are all being cleared away–the road is open to you! Continue to move forward with your projects and goals–you may even have greater clarity than before.

Some of you are being given another chance at something that may have previously “failed”, such as a job opportunity or business. Whatever didn’t work out before has a greater chance at working out now–give it another try. I got the message that some of you have been previously denied for a loan of some sort (possibly for a business); give it another try. Connect with Spirit to know if you need to try another bank or a different approach–you will know what to do now, to attain that which you seek.

For some of you, today signals a time of spiritual awakenings. You may begin to experience a stronger activation in your powers, but this will feel pleasurable. You may feel more inspired or powerful than ever before–this is Spirit working through you. Some of you may even be initiated into some form of spiritual practice which is aligned with your purpose. Whatever the case, today is a blessing!

The action for today is to give thanks–look at all of the blessings here for you now. Be grateful to Spirit for guiding and supporting you, and also give thanks to yourself for all the work you’ve done. You’ve come so far! Celebrate yourself and your accomplishments today.

Friday, October 15:

We all continue to release the past and shed what is no longer working for us–old beliefs, old thought systems, old patterns and behaviors…old relationships…whatever is holding us back, will be shed.

You are making space for new gifts and blessings. For many of you, releasing the past will lead you towards happier, more fulfilling lives. Greater stability and harmony are possible now. When you shed your old skin, you make space for newer skin–you are in a point of welcoming something new, and beautiful.

For some of you, today’s message is about setting healthy boundaries. Your home is your castle–your sanctuary–be more discerning of who you let into these (and other) sacred spaces. I get the sense that some of you have people in your lives (you know who) who you don’t really connect with, but they happen to be a part of your family, or are in some way more than a casual relationship. Look into methods you can use to energetically protect your homes from this person’s energy (or group of people). You can, for example, place some Black Salt under your doormat and around your doors, and windows. There are many methods to spiritually protect your home. You also want to cleanse as soon as they leave. Try this if you can’t completely block them from your home (let’s say, for those nosy mother-in-laws).

Lastly, consider physically making space for new things in your home–cleanse your closets from the summer clothes; put things away or donate them. It’s time for Autumn cleaning!

The action for today is to know that your home and assets are protected. Your life and loved ones are protected. Continue to release what is no longer working, and make space for the new.

Saturday, October 16:

Today is extra magical, especially if you create rituals for protection or to enhance your psychic gifts.

I see many of you being ‘visited’ by spirits, or having a more profound spiritual experience–but not to worry, these will be loving. Your cup is being filled with blessings–all the spiritual experiences that have come (or are coming) your way are to help you stand in your power. Spirit is presenting itself to you, to help you be fully confident in their power and abilities, which they freely share with you. Ask and you shall receive!

This is one of those days where you really want to pay attention to your dreams and any signs which come your way. Some of you may be ‘baptized’ into a spiritual practice today–keep an open mind, and heart.

For many of you, today is a spiritual “level-up”–if you are already a spiritual practitioner, pay attention to which direction Spirit is sending you in, to provide your gifts and services to the world. The point here is that your business and practice are leveling-up.

The action for today is to go outside and bathe in moonlight, if you can, or offer a prayer to Mother Moon, to illuminate the path Spirit is aligning you with. Be open to receive the many blessings and energies coming your way–all for healing and harmony, and love. As well, connect with water for your rituals–take a bath or use this element in a sacred way today, even giving it thanks before drinking it.

Sunday, October 17:

As I mentioned previously, keep moving forward but at a slow and steady pace. Divine Timing is at play, and so while you continue to work on your projects and goals, also be aware that Spirit sees and knows all–they will tell you when it’s time to pause, move, reconsider, etc…be patient with them as they figure things out for you.

Consider life being like stairs–sometimes you go up and higher towards your dreams, and sometimes you have to take a few steps down. This isn’t life testing you or making things difficult, it’s just that we don’t see or know all of the influences outside of ourselves. This is why being centered and grounded in faith is so important. However, I see many of us heading up towards greater wealth. We are becoming the wealthy people we’ve looked up to for so long–this is our moment.

If you’ve been feeling like your dreams are taking so long to manifest, don’t fret. Connect with Spirit and ask them if there’s a better way, or a smoother path. As well, possibly a pause in momentum gives you a moment to consider if the direction you’re headed on is what you really want.

The message for some of you is this: money and things won’t fulfill you. If you’ve been working on dreams for more money and assets, ask yourself why. Having money and nice things is beautiful, and Spirit will support our dreams in any way they can, but if you’re looking at these things as ways to help you feel more fulfilled, it won’t happen. Money and luxuries enhance our life experiences but they cannot fulfill us–everything is temporary anyway. Fulfillment is an everlasting, inner harmony. If you’ve been feeling down because you don’t have all the money and things you’ve been wanting, go within. Go deep inside yourself and ask yourself where these notions are coming from–what happened in your past that led you to believe that things will be fulfilling for you? This is your sacred task towards healing–this is your path to Abundance.

The action for today is to give thanks for everything here and now–accept everything as it is, and find the blessings within and all around you. As well, consider using mantras and affirmations to shift your energy from lack, to prosperity. Know that wealth is more than having money and things. But also know that you have every reason to believe that you will be successful, and you will thrive!

I see a lot more money coming in–this is your opportunity to give back and pay it forward. Be generous with your wealth through philanthropy and possibly even creating opportunities for people, so that you continue to stay within the energy of prosperity.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

This week’s deckAngel Dreams Oracle Cards


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