Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-October 18 to October 24, 2021

Hello my Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for October 18 to October 24, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

Fire is the element this week, especially with a Full Moon happening in Aries on the 20th. This fire can charge your creative pursuits and help to burn away all insecurities, and whatever is holding you back. But just as this fire can be used to destroy obstacles, it can also be used to destroy other aspects, such as relationships. Be discerning of how you use the fire energy this week.

Many of you might be inclined to “rock the boat” so to speak, in order to break free from stagnant energy, but look deeper into your intentions. Are you wanting change because change is necessary, or because you are feeling “bored”? The energy this week is temporary; try not to make bold decisions that may negatively impact your future. In other words, don’t just break up with someone or quit your job because you need something different–try a more balanced approach.

This week’s energy is igniting our inner flames–helping us to have more passion in all that we do. If you’ve been feeling unmotivated lately this energy will give you a much needed boost, and you will need this boost because there are many shifts currently taking place. Many of you will be receiving new opportunities or ideas, which will get you in a creative mood. If you feel indecisive about a choice, check-in with your heart and body–which choice seems like the most fun, and inspiring? This is how you will want to approach decisions this week.

If you’ve been kind of a hermit lately, don’t get down on yourself. There has been an inner harmonization taking place, which needed to happen in private. Your true self is emerging and a new way of living and being is here for you. Now you can come out of that cocoon, and approach the world with a new perspective. Spirit has been preparing you for this emergence of sorts. This week, go out into the world–don’t be afraid to socialize. Connect with your loved ones. You may be invited to some gatherings this week; consider going. Or plan a date with your friends, even if it is a virtual one. Just remember, you don’t need to feel the pressure to act any kind of way. If there are people in your life who you feel won’t connect with this “new” you, then move on to others who will give you a chance. Always be yourself, and never dim your light for anyone. Be you, even if you don’t fully know how to express that yet. Spirit will show you the way.

Spiritual awakenings and activations continue–let Spirit lead the way, and if you ever feel confused or uncertain of the direction they are sending you in, just ask them to clarify for you. They will always send you the signs and insights you need. Be patient and gentle with yourself, and the changes taking place within and around you.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.
Monday, October 18:

Today we have a Fire/Earth connection, asking us to share the creative energies received in ways that will benefit the collective. The inspiration and ideas that you have been blessed with, how can you use them to better your community? The point is to think outside the box with everything that comes your way today–zoom out of the “I” perspective, and look at the “we”.

Mama Gaia would love for us to continue to find ways to work together, and work with nature in all forms. Use all your resources in everything you do, and pay it forward as often as you can. Abundance is about giving and receiving, so how can you give more today? Or how can you allow yourself to receive more today? For many of you this is a moment to reflect on how much you contribute to others–this area may be lacking and so you definitely want to consider being more selfless, in order to create greater balance with yourself.

I sense the energy will be playful today–we are all God’s children–Earth’s children. Enjoy the sweetness that life has to offer, here and now. Be grateful for all there is to receive today. If you’ve been considering volunteering for a worthy cause, get started–you may connect with more like-minded people this way.

The action for today is to be in nature. Get grounded by looking at how beautiful life is all around you. Connect with the nature spirits, and look for ways to give back to Mama Earth, and to your communities. Your hard work is being rewarded. As well, be very discerning of who you are giving energy to; not everyone has your best interest in mind. Allow Spirit to improve all your relationships, which may mean closing the doors on some of them.

Tuesday, October 19:

Connect with your desires today. What vision do you have for your future? Today is potent for creating more of that dream life, and manifesting it in the here and now. You may feel more sensual and sexual than usual–tap into this energy which is part of the creation process.

If you work in sex magic or using orgasmic energy to manifest, today is wonderful for those practices. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, then at least don’t deny your desires today. If you want to get frisky or kinky today, go for it. If you want to indulge in something “sinful” go for it. Be open to pleasure in all forms, as this is helping you create more of what you want. This is about giving yourself greater permission to explore joy in its fullness.

The action for today is to maintain your focus on your desires and the vision you have for your life. Use tools such as visualization techniques to help you remain in the vibration of your desires. As well, engage in pleasure and play today. Do a Sacral Chakra meditation if you find yourself feeling uninspired or disconnected, as well as going outside to get some fresh air. I also get the sense many of you are being led to romantic partners, who you will feel pulled or drawn to (and they to you).

Wednesday, October 20:

Today we welcome a Full Moon in Aries, helping us become strongly aligned with our dreams and desires. Be careful of letting things get too “hot” though–hot heads and hot tempers can just as easily flare up, so try your best to avoid confrontation. Use this fiery energy to fuel your work towards your goals.

Spirit is always active in our lives, but today they are intervening in stronger ways. Whatever may come up for you today, whether it feels like a blessing or a challenge, just remember that you are being oriented towards your highest good–whatever you have asked for, Spirit is ensuring you get–leave the form up to them.

I get the sense that communication may be a little off today. Many will take things said personally, or be in defensive mode, so be sure to practice patience with others and with yourself–take things slow and steady.

The action for today is to connect with your Divine Masculine self for guidance on how to move forward. Your Divine Masculine is about action and strategy–ask Spirit to help bring this part of yourself to balance so that you have the clarity and confidence you need to continue on your path. Many of you may receive word of promotions or opportunities which may feel intimidating to you, but know that you are more than qualified.

Thursday, October 21:

Mercury has finally returned to its direct course, though we still may experience some shadow effects from the retrograde. As a result of it stationing direct, delayed messages or opportunities will be abundantly flowing your way.

This is also a time where you will have more clarity. Many of you may have felt confused or uncertain during this retrograde period, but now you will know what to do. You will know which next steps to take. Important information and insight is coming your way, to help you on your journey. You will also have a better handle on how to address any messages that come your way, which may not feel the best. In other words, even challenging information won’t throw you off–you are grounded and secure in yourself. Your thoughts and emotions are balanced.

For some of you, someone may soon be reaching out to you for advice or to clear up an unsettling matter. This could potentially be a time of healing closure for you.

The action for today is to maintain the lines of communication open in both the physical and spiritual worlds. You have the potential to move forward logically and strategically with your goals. Some of you are going to be conflicted about choosing a romantic partner–possibly you have multiple suitors. Is it more important to have your mind, or your heart, or your body stimulated? You decide your path–there is no “right” or “wrong”.

Friday, October 22:

This weekend will be potent for Divine downloads and insights. Some of your benevolent ancestors are coming through with important information for you. They are helping to get you unstuck–they may present you with creative solutions to your problems. The knots and tangles in your life are being unraveled.

Spirit congratulates you because you have come so far and have done so many wonderful things in this life, including healing some family patterns. You’ve done something that your benevolent ancestors could not do in their lifetimes. They are helping you with the tools and information you need–keep asking them for support in every way needed–they are always standing by.

The action for today is to consider honoring your ancestors, possibly even learning who they are. Consider creating a family tree or investing in an ancestry kit, to learn more about your heritage. Today would be great to refresh your altar spaces and offerings. Also try connecting with them through smoke, such as incense or tobacco. Before rushing into any new endeavor, check-in with Spirit to make sure you have all the details.

Saturday, October 23:

You are breaking free from illusions which have kept you stuck in suffering, and lack. Spirit is clearing the clutter in your mind so that you can see the truth of every circumstance. Your perspective is shifting and you are becoming more aware of yourself–your patterns, behaviors, habits, etc. I get the sense that many of you are being healed from mental health issues or concerns.

Many of you continue to bring past pain and traumas into your present, and possibly even projecting them into the future. Know that you are being helped to break these outdated habits of fear. There’s no need to worry anymore–all is well and you are safe. Spirit is continuing to provide you with the tools and support you need, and many of you will receive these resources today. As well, you already possess some tools and knowledge to help you, such as using affirmations or working with vision boards. You have already done a lot of work towards your healing, so continue to use what has worked for you.

For many of you, these habits of fear and lack are related to money. You may be feeling like there’s not enough, or you don’t know how the bills will get paid, etc…the more you can open yourself to love and gratitude for what is currently in your life, the more aligned you will be to Abundance. So rather than look at what is missing, shift your perspective to see what you have to be grateful for here and now. Try this exercise–make a list of every single thing, place, person, or circumstance that you have to be grateful for. Maybe it’s just acknowledging that you have a home. Elevate your vibes using tools such as affirmations, to get out of those negative thought patterns. All will be well if you allow it.

The action for today is to pay attention to your dreams and any signs which come up for you. Consider using divination tools to gain further clarity from Spirit. Be open to receive the guidance and resources Spirit is sending your way. Your intuition is on point–some secrets may be revealed today.

Sunday, October 24:

Lady Isis is showing us all the ways to manifest our deepest dreams and desires–she is actually opening a doorway for us all, to be used in this coming week. In many ways, wishes will be fulfilled.

Today is one for rapid manifestation so try the methods which have worked for you, including vision boards, affirmations, prayers, spells, etc…try whatever has been successful for you. As well, if any new methods come up for you, try them too. But always go with the flow! The point here is that you don’t want to force anything to happen. You are already in the Divine Flow. Surrender your attachments to any outcomes–to timing and form–leave all of that up to Spirit.

If you have no idea where to even begin with manifestation work, ask Spirit to show you the way, and then pay attention to what comes up for you.

I feel magic is afoot so the action for today is to consider any ritual or spellwork today, to get you in the manifesting mood. This could be as simple as creating a board on Pinterest–just be intentional with anything you do. If you have a hard time speaking up about your needs, consider a Throat Chakra meditation.

If you start to feel restless or impatient about your manifestations, remind yourself of how you have already received things that you’ve previously asked for–you are already a powerful manifestor, so don’t doubt that you will receive what you’ve asked for. Focus on everything you have to be grateful for here and now. Blessed changes are happening; have faith!

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

This week’s deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards


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