Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-October 25 to October 31, 2021

Hello my Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for October 25 to October 31, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

I sense the energy of a power struggle, mainly between you and the forces at work in your life. You may want to forge ahead in one direction but Spirit is guiding you towards another–is there room for compromise? I believe so. Spirit will honor your needs and desires as best as they can, but know that they are always leading you towards a better outcome. If there’s something you really want, why not find some common ground and ask Spirit if there’s a better path or approach? Be flexible with the outward manifestations of your dreams.

This week is almost like a “wild card” where anything can happen. While yes, I recommend always looking for the bright side and leaning towards the optimistic, there is a gentle warning here to be on your guard. Not everyone in your life has the best intentions for you, and that also includes spiritual energies surrounding you. This week keep moving forward on what you have to do but stay “prayed up”, even more so than usual. Ask for continued spiritual protection and do whatever you usually do to raise your shields. I have plenty of charms and crystals, for example, that I use for spiritual protection, but here are some other tips.

Be a little more humble this week and heed Spirit’s guidance. For example, if there’s an event you’d like to attend but you feel Spirit nudging you not to go, listen to them. They can see dangers ahead before you can even perceive them, and this week the veil between the worlds is the thinnest–all Spirits are coming through, whether for good or not. This is a week where you’ll want to spend more time on your own rather than surrounded by people.

For some of you, this week’s energy is a conflict between yourself and another–someone else may be trying to manipulate you or your energy. Continue to heed Spirit’s guidance, and take precautions to spiritually cleanse and shield yourself.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Monday, October 25:

I get the sense of spiritual “mischief” in the air. While this is a time of blessed new beginnings, some of those opportunities and experiences you’ve been waiting on may be delayed a little longer. But I don’t want you to be deterred–gifts and solutions are on the way, but everything will fall into place at the best time.

Ground yourself in Faith–there may be some circumstances that will be presented to you this week that may have you feeling insecure or off-balance. Everything is temporary–whatever isn’t working out now is for the best. And believe it or not, moments of challenge are actually opportunities for growth. How can you turn this lemon into lemonade? There is potential here.

As I mentioned previously, some of you are being manipulated by others. I get the sense that there are some around you who are jealous of you and wish you ill. Take today to ask your spiritual allies for extra protection and assistance, to cut the cords to all negativity thrown your way. Not to worry though–Justice will be served.

The action for today is to do spiritual protection work and cleansing. Also if you are able to, connect with Nature today to get grounded.

Tuesday, October 26:

You have the inner strength and power, fueled by Spirit, to be victorious over any challenge. You have great power, despite whatever you may perceive. Today’s card is telling me that nothing will get in the way of your dreams, not even your enemies. You are protected and so is your destiny.

Whatever situation has come up this week to challenge or throw you off, is an opportunity for you to meet a marker on the path of destiny. That’s not to say something “terrible” will happen–it’s just that oftentimes things don’t work out quite how we planned or anticipated them to be. I get the sense that for many of you this means that something you thought you wanted will no longer be a desire. You may lose interest in an opportunity, for example, that you thought you’d love. Moments like this give us the pause we need to reflect on what it is we truly want. As well, it allows us to check-in with ourselves and Spirit for guidance.

For many of you, Spirit is sending an important tool or resource your way, to help you overcome whatever challenge it is you are facing.

The action for today is to continue to ask for spiritual protection–I recommend stating a prayer to Archangel St. Michael. As well, consider integrating more tools of protection into your spiritual practice. Connect with Spirit today for clarity and guidance.

Wednesday, October 27:

Trust that everything is working in your favor. Whatever hasn’t worked out for you is making space for something better. Actually, things are working out according to your manifestations, and sometimes the outcome may look/feel like chaos. For example, some of you may be grieving the loss of a “failed” relationship or a shattered dream, but sometimes a door needs to close to open another one. Maybe this break-up is making space for a stronger love. Maybe this shattered dream is making space for a new opportunity. Don’t lose hope or faith.

You may be seeing things from a warped perspective–the energy this week is full of tricks and illusions. Continue to ground yourself in what is real and factual today. Also try a Third Eye Chakra meditation to clear the mental clutter.

As well, the process we’ve all been going through this year is to shed our outdated identities, behaviors, and patterns–we are making space for our most authentic selves. As such, any dream you may have had in the past may have been born from a superficial need to fit in or be noticed–a desire born from a childhood wound. Whatever hasn’t worked out for you is also helping you see that it no longer belongs with you here and now because you are more whole and healed than ever before. Give yourself permission to feel this loss but don’t let it consume you because what’s behind that new open door is better than you could ever imagine.

The action for today is to raise your vibrations. Listen to high vibrational sounds or music, or engage in high vibrational activities such as self-care. Be gentle with yourself and love yourself fully just as you are. All is well.

Thursday, October 28:

We own nothing here; not homes, land–everything is borrowed. Everything is temporary. Use what you have when you have it, and thank it for its blessing when it leaves you. Today consider loosening your tight grip on the things you think you own. Be more flexible with the things in your life, as well as the people in your life.

Consider zooming out a bit on “your” life and think on how this experience is a gift; an opportunity, which was granted to you by the most high. How can you give thanks for this gift of life? There are many ways–for starters, how can you contribute to the collective? How can you give back to your fellow brothers and sisters? How can you give back to Mama Earth? Spirit is asking us to consider the footprints we are leaving behind–what will your legacy be when your time in this life is up?

In many ways this week is about shifting your perspective on what you thought you wanted, or on how you thought you wanted to live–does that vision still hold true today? If you are having a hard time coping with certain circumstances in your life, consider how helping others can greatly uplift and inspire you. Zoom out of the “I” to the “We”.

The action for today is to give back, with an open heart. Give in whatever ways you can–money, time, energy, love…you have so much more than you think! Consider helping someone else in need today–check on your loved ones and share your warmth with them. Also spend time in nature and let Mama Earth know how much you appreciate the bounty She shares with us all.

Friday, October 29:

Going with the flow will lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. This is a day where you’ll want to celebrate yourself and your journey–you’ve have so much to be proud of!

All the shedding you’ve done this week, and year, has been a beautiful transformation, which is leading the way to new life. Some things which didn’t previously work out will get another chance, so you may soon be receiving word of forward movement again on your manifestations.

Spirit will never hurt you or let you down–they are actively working to help you find your “happy” place–maybe you recently lost a job which you hated, and was making you sick–soon a new, dream job will present itself to you. Point is that you have every reason to hope for good days and good times!

The action for today is to continue to allow yourself to be guided by Spirit. Use the element of Water to connect with your spiritual and intuitive side, be it through baths or even just blessing your drinking water. Allow Water to teach you how to go with the flow. Blessed changes are here!

Saturday, October 30:

Oshun assures us that our work is being rewarded–we will be receiving the fruits of our labor. All those temporary challenges and disturbances laid the foundation for a beautiful outcome.

Miraculous help and aid are on the way. The doors of Abundance are blasted open–Oshun is letting us know it is safe for us to move forward confidently. There’s no need to worry at all because Spirit is on our side. We are victorious!

The action for today is to know that your prayers are being answered. Divine intervention will soon bless you, if it hasn’t already. You are being watched over and are never alone–have faith! Give thanks.

Sunday, October 31:

Papa Legba is letting us know that all obstacles are being removed! Resolutions are here. You are protected and supported.

Today is extra magical–use your words wisely because they have greater power. Using tools such as affirmations can greatly boost your confidence and strength. Use positive affirmations and mantras, and even prayers, to keep your vibrations high at this time.

Today you may be graced with some storytelling, possibly from the elders in your family. This is a wonderful time to learn more about your lineage and family history. We are usually so rushed in today’s world–take a moment to appreciate the elders in your communities. Go visit your older loved ones, or take a moment to see if someone needs a kind word or helping hand.

You may also receive Divine downloads or stories of your own, from Spirit–there are messages on the way to you.

The action for today is to state a prayer or even a positive word, for your passed over loved ones and ancestors. As well, use the power of prayer (words) to manifest healing and protection today, and anything else you may need. You are loved and everything is working in your favor.

Happy Halloween!

P.S: Tomorrow is considered “All Souls” day, so consider lighting a candle tonight/tomorrow for your passed over loved ones. Let there be light in your home.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

This week’s deckThe New Orleans Voodoo Tarot


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