Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-January 10 to January 16, 2022

Grand Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

The theme of liberation continues this week–for many of us this liberation is from toxic family patterns and generational traumas. There is conditioning we adopted as children, which is negatively impacting us now–could be feelings of lack, low-self-esteem or self-worth, or any other number of outdated patterns.

Spirit is telling us that we have the opportunity to choose a new path for ourselves–a new way of being. But liberation doesn’t mean fighting or struggle–this isn’t a battle. Instead this liberation will come in the form of loving kindness, especially towards ourselves. Pay attention to how you treat yourself; what you think about yourself. Try to treat yourself as if you were speaking to your own inner child–how would you speak to them?

There’s a sense of calm this week–I sense the element of water teaching us to go with the flow. Give yourself more freedom and space to allow things to unfold. Be more accepting of what is here for you now.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Beginning of the Week:

It’s time to consider how your home can become more of a sanctuary space for you, though for many of you I see you considering moving–moving on towards what feels more like home for you.

You may be considering moving away, especially if you’ve been living with loved ones who have heavy energy. Possibly the time has come to let them go–this isn’t about burning bridges but rather an opportunity to put yourself first. Walk away from what no longer serves you. If you’ve been considering a change, this is your sign to find a space that will help you love your most authentic self.

As well, some of you currently live with people who have been draining your energy and possibly even disrespecting your home (sacred space)–these people must be removed, immediately. Stand up for yourself and speak up about your needs. If you haven’t been vocal with these people, now is the time to be clear about how they are coming across. If you’ve spoken to them multiple times, it’s time to have “the talk” you’ve been dreading–they need to move on. Don’t worry about how things will work out, just know that it is safe for you to defend yourself and your home.

Our first home is our body–pay attention to what it needs (and it’s more than just food)–could be comfort, warmth, maybe even a transition from one space to another. Learn to listen to the needs of this sacred vessel.

Middle of the Week:

The middle of this week brings us greater ease, especially with respect to money and love. There will be opportunities to experience a greater sense of emotional fulfillment, and even joy.

For many this week will bring upgrades to our finances and romantic partnerships. Possibly engagements, a windfall of unexpected money, or even a big investment with your partner, such as a home. Whatever the case, take the time to celebrate where you are right now. This is one of the moments you prayed for; you made it! You are living in the moment you’ve been waiting on–rejoice!

These blessed upgrades will help you feel supported and grounded, and even more inspired for the future. But for today, stay here in the present. Cherish everything currently in your life–abundance is here right now. Give thanks! Continue to treat yourself with love and kindness.

End of the Week:

Towards the end of this week the focus becomes more on manifestation–our ability to attract what we want is amplified, so pay attention to your thoughts and behaviors. Focus mainly on what you want to attract, as if it were already in existence. We are all shifting gear from lack to abundance, if you are willing to also shift your perspective.

Sunday the 16th is a special day because it is my born-day! This Capricorn Sun Queen was also born on a Sunday back in the days, so this year marks a very special occasion for me. I will be making plenty of wishes for my birthday–go ahead and make as many wishes as you’d like but this time KNOW that they will come true. Believe it.

Pay attention to the numbers which come up frequently for you–these are messages from Spirit. Some of you may even benefit from learning numerology or other divination practices, as your psychic gifts continue to enhance.

Spirit wants you to know that it’s all possible for you–everything you want. If you have a hard time believing that, then start with what you know you can manifest, and build up the confidence to go bigger and bigger. No matter what you believe about yourself, Spirit is cheering you on and is loving you unconditionally–you can believe in that.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

DeckThe Manifestor Oracle 


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