Weekly Tarot and Energy Forecast-February 7 to February 13, 2022

Grand Rising family! Thank you so much for your patience; I had an impromptu move and a very fast paced Mercury retrograde with many blessed shifts. We are at the start of a new week; read this forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

We are now in a new energy–January was a wrap-up of the 2021 cycle and now we are entering into what 2022 will be like; we are getting a taste into this new year. Planets are direct and so things may speed up or slow down, depending on how time has been for you since the start of this year.

This week’s energy is asking us what we really want, and if the vibe will be new or more of the same this year. In other words, are you willing to release blockages in order to receive/accept the things you want? Do what you believe in your heart is right for you; Spirit will support you regardless.

The Divine Feminine is asking us to tap into our intuition and deep desires–don’t allow logic to ruin the inspirational juices flowing for you right now. Give yourself permission to play and explore what brings you pleasure. Upgrades are on the way, without much effort on your part–be open to receive.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Beginning of the Week:

There’s hope for sweet love this week, regardless of your relationship status. The Divine Feminine/Goddess energy is helping us receive worthy mates; worthy lovers and partners. By opening ourselves up to the sweet love of life we also allow ourselves to tap in fully to joy; to ecstacy. This love can be expressed within ourselves, but for this week know that you are on your way towards a sweet union.

This union you are heading towards will be one that will lead to a long-term partnership (possibly marriage)–this is an upgrade–a promise of faithfulness and romance. If you are currently in a relationship, possibly it is heading towards a stronger union or you are heading towards separate paths. Again, this is up to you; you get to decide what brings you the most joy. I see though that for many of you, you are on your way out. Gone are the days of having to compromise your happiness just to belong to someone else. Give yourself permission to experience true love.

Middle of the Week:

Breaking up is hard to do, and so is letting go. Spirit is asking you to make room for something stronger and better, and for many of you this is regarding your romantic partnerships. This could also apply for you even if you are single–if you are still hanging on to past hurts or exes, this is the time to close those chapters and move on.

Changes are happening and maybe ones you don’t feel ready for–but don’t fret because these changes are exactly what you want (and need)–they are leading you towards the promised land.

Some of you will meet a worthy mate, though they may not be in the form you expect. In other words, you may have a particular type you are attracted to, but in this case your worthy match is someone who is not your type–you may feel an initial sense of disappointment, but trust the process. You already know that your “type” has hurt you many times over–if you do the same you’ll get more of the same. When you’re ready for something true and real, take a step in a different direction.

End of the Week:

Towards the end of the week we will be experiencing more stability with our finances. Opportunities may present themselves to help upgrade our lives–we may, for example, get word of closing on a new home. Whatever the case, this gift will help to get you closer to reaching a cherished goal.

Many of you are being encouraged to use any additional money or income that presents itself towards investment opportunities, such as a business venture or property purchase. I get the sense that for many of you this money is a refund, possibly a tax refund–there’s a sense of unexpected money making its way to some of you. Some of you may even inherit a property or land. Whatever the case, this is the time for boss moves!

Use whatever gift Spirit presents you this week to take you to the next level. It’s time to stop playing small and level-up!

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

Deck: The Manifestor Oracle 


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