June 17 to June 23, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

This week is very auspicious for many reasons. We will be ending Gemini season and entering into Cancer season on the 20th, which also marks the beginning of a new season! Summer solstice will be upon us soon; the longest day of the year marking a return to the darkness of the womb. And how perfect that we will also be experiencing a Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st, reminding us that in just 6 months we will return to the darkness of Winter Solstice, marking the return to the light of life!

This week (and for the remainder of the month) will be wonderful for wrapping things up; finishing those projects and pesky to-do’s in order to make space for Quarter 3, starting in July. Spirit is also so excited to share that many of us will be receiving some reward or recognition this week; something we’ve been wanting and working towards is making its way to us. This is such a wonderful time; I really hope you utilize what this week’s energy is providing!

Book a reading to learn what Quarter 3 has in store for you!

Clarity, solutions, victory are the words I want you to remember over the next few days. Any issues or challenges you’ve been facing will get resolved this week, or at the very least you’ll have the answers you need in order to know how to proceed. I want you to step into the mindset of a winner! Speak solutions and aid into existence because the Universe is hearing you! Use tools such as positive affirmations or healing subliminals if you’re feeling less than positive about your outlook.


Speaking of hypnotic suggestions…

You’ll really want to consider how to reprogram yourself to believe that Abundance is your natural state. There are gifts (and possibly money) that want to make their way to you, but you are blocking them with your energy of lack. Your thoughts (and emotions) are creating your reality, so time to shift your perspective. Notice how much you have now to be grateful for to unblock your path forward.

Going back to Abundance mindset, you might think having certain things in your life is what makes you rich. While yes having money and material resources can make life so much easier, it’s not all there is. In fact, making use of what you currently have is really an alchemical process; having this gift to turn lemons into lemonade is what truly unlocks prosperity. Take the focus off of money for a moment to truly tap into the wealth all around you. I speak more on this in the message from the Queen of Pentacles post, which you can read here.

I have more than enough.

My needs are always met.

I’m truly grateful for all the blessings in my life!

This weekend

Mama Moon asks us to consider letting go of what hasn’t worked out for us. I get the sense for many of you this is related to things that didn’t pan out with your finances; jobs you didn’t get, business ideas that never took off or failed. Maybe some of you are in challenging financial circumstances–the energy has to shift, and it starts with you. I get the sense doing an energetic cleanse will be wonderful for restoration.

Check out some of the cleanse suggestions using the element of water, here. A simple soak in Epsom or sea salt can help, and if you can’t do full body, at least soak your feet. The Full Moon is a wonderful time to cleanse and recharge for the next season of your life. Let go of the dead weight and you’ll see how fast things will start moving in your favor.

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