August 12 to August 18, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

Card 41 of "The Manifestor Oracle" depicting an illustration of 2 hands breaking free from chains. The card is called "The Liberation"

There’s this song called “Pullin’ me back” by the artist Chingy, and the hook goes “every time I try to leave something keeps pulling me back, me back…” well this perfectly describes the overall energy of the week. There may be some energies trying to pull you back into the bullsh*t and drama, that you are already breaking free from. The temptation to be pulled in might feel strong at times, but you are being told by Spirit that you have the power to resist.

I also asked Archangel St. Michael for some guidance regarding the tug-of-war vibes happening this week and he advises for you to continue to step into your power. Follow your inner guidance on any circumstances that arise, which are no longer a part of your path. Stand strong and move forward confidently towards what you want. Rather than focus on what you don’t have, remember everything you have to be grateful for. Things are getting better and better for you; trust this now.

Beginning of the week:

There are blessed energies surrounding us right now–you might encounter people who want to help you. Divine Feminine energy will be especially powerful at this time. I’m getting the sense that this energy is coming up for those of you who have been afraid to step into your power–you might be feeling insecure about your position in life. Possibly people around you have led you to believe you were somehow inferior.

Spirit wants you to remember who the f*ck you are! Stand in your power and truth. Speak up for yourself and assert your boundaries. When anyone tries to “put you in your place”, remind them that they have no power over you. Some of you may be dealing with some issues at home–possibly an aggressive partner who wants to keep you small. Now is the time to break free from these energies.

Accept the help that comes your way this week.


Middle of the week:

Spirit reminds you that you have already overcome heavy energies and are at the wonderful conclusion of a tough chapter in your life. But as always, the enemy will continue their attacks, and this week will be no different. In this week’s case, the enemy no longer has a hold over you but they are gonna pretend like they do. The strategy here is to remember their “attacks” are illusions. In fact, their main “weapon” will be lies. They may try to sweeten their offer but resist the urge to go backwards on your path.

Stay the course by moving forward towards your desired outcome. You have the strength, capacity, and willpower to get your way. Blow these dusty illusions away.

End of the week:

By the weekend we’ll be accessing some of Mama Moon’s energy as she prepares to go Full in Aquarius next week. This lunar cycle is ushering us towards a victorious outcome! Be open to the form and timing of how this triumph will manifest itself. By the end of this week or early start of next you will receive some important information regarding a blessed change.

Don’t be afraid to disrupt the patterns that no longer serve you. Don’t be afraid to assert your boundaries, especially with those closest to you who try to cross the line.

Some of you may benefit from a spiritual cleanse this week, to release outdated energies that no longer serve you. You can also try energy healing, such as Reiki, to get you feeling more balanced. Ask Archangel Michael or any spirit guide you feel called to work with, to cut the cords to these toxic bonds and circumstances.


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