How to Virgo like Beyonce

A photograph of Beyonce performing at Coachella, with a golden Virgo symbol on the lower right corner

Today (September 4, 2024) is the birthday of my favorite Virgo–Happy Birthday Beyonce! She is one of my favorite artists and she fully embodies her Sun sign, which compels her to perfect her craft. As such her work nears perfection–I say nears because I don’t believe anything in this world can truly be perfect, but Beyonce will definitely keep trying to meet Virgo’s demand.

Other legendary artists and notorious perfectionists were Virgos, such as the G.O.A.T Michael Jackson, and I fully believe Beyonce has reached his level of artistry. She has dedicated her life to perfecting her craft, and even innovating across different industries and musical genres. So how can you apply her wisdom throughout this Virgo season?

Why Virgo like Beyonce?

Virgo is the archetype of the “Maiden”–young, innocent, and idealistic. She remains “untouched” from the “stains” of the world, and as such is always seeking to clean up the chaos around her. Virgo is an Earth sign, and is more fully tapped into Mama Earth’s energy than the other Earth signs. Because of this she is the witchiest of the 3, and therefore initiating the “season of the witch”.

Virgo teaches us to master our craft. To keep trying until we get it right. She shows us new levels to reach which inspires us to want to do more, and go the distance. Take a page from Beyonce this Virgo season and fully commit to mastering a craft you’ve been working on, or to complete a long-standing project. Harness this energy to achieve your goals.

How does Beyonce do it?

Before she had the fame, the staff, the confidence, she had to work up to it. She harnessed Virgo’s drive, dedication, and patience to get to where she is. Practice, practice, practice is Virgo’s motto, and through focused work you reach your desired outcome.


But beware! Virgo energy can be very critical, overly judgemental, and can get stuck on trying to achieve a perfect outcome. Remember that life is perfectly imperfect. Not everything can be clean and sterile because nature wouldn’t thrive that way; soil needs all kinds of bacteria and nutrients to nurture growth. Beyonce may be in her head about her work but she relies on a team to keep things flowing, so for whatever your goal or project is this Virgo season, get another set of eyes on it to help you when you’re stuck. Sometimes you just need other input to keep the momentum going.

Can I achieve success like Beyonce?

Her career has spanned decades of hard work and dedication. If you are willing to do the same with your career or goal, then you may just be rewarded with the success you desire. It will feel hard probably more often than not, but every milestone you reach will feel fulfilling. Virgo energy loves to check things off a list, and feeling the satisfaction of reaping what she’s sown.

Can you move a mountain? Most likely not, but you can become masterful at climbing it, or finding ways around it. And just like with consistent drops of water, you may even be able to shape it.

Other tips for this Virgo season

Find Virgo in your astrological chart and see how this placement affects you personally. This can give you a clue into what you are being asked to master in this lifetime, and how you can achieve your goals.

As well, Virgo loves to stay healthy and fit–she needs all her energy to accomplish what she’s set out to do. So follow in her footsteps by scheduling your checkups, revamping your health and wellness routine, and updating your eating habits.

Don’t forget to declutter your home as we prepare to shift into Autumn. A clean home can help you feel more at peace, freeing up your physical and energetic space for other things.



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