Unlock the Week’s Energy: Psychic Reading for September 30 to October 6, 2024

Illustration of autumn leaves in the background and the words "Psychic Reading for October" in the foreground.

Here is your Psychic Reading for the week of 9/30 – 10/6 2024:

Happy October everyone! This is one of my favorite months of the year–a very witchy time here in the Northeast as the leaves change colors, the temperature cools down, and the veil between our world and the spiritual one thins out day by day. We’re in Autumn now and every day we get closer to the darkest night of the year (Winter Solstice) marking a return of the light. But for now, we must all return to the darkness. Just like we plant seeds, we too must be planted in order to rest, and eventually grow.

Things that we want to release can also be “buried”, whether literally or metaphorically, in order to allow the Earth to transform it into something better.

Libra season reminds us to honor the balance between the light and the dark, especially now that we are in the last quarter of the year. What lessons have you learned so far, that you can either leave here in 2024 or carry with you into the new year? This is a great time to visualize the long-term because we are all being cosmically supported right now. This is a very auspicious week!

This is a wonderful time to receive returns on investments! Now’s not the time to give in to pessimism, especially if things haven’t been the easiest in your material world. Spirit assures a successful outcome is imminent for you! In weeks prior I mentioned how many of you will be receiving new jobs and opportunities. If you’ve still been waiting for your turn, the time is now! Your number is about to be called!

I see success, especially for projects you’ve been diligently working on. Many of you will be receiving promotions and rising the ranks in your chosen profession. You are a natural leader and it’s time to take your place as such. Move forward confidently towards this very prosperous time for you!

For couples–this is a wonderful week to begin planning for your future together, and considering long-term investments such as a shared home.

Mama Moon will be New in Libra, which also ushers in a Solar Eclipse in this sign. Fortune favors the bold, and the spotlight will be on you this week! You are entering into a time of recognition and accolades for a job well done. Returns on investments for you could look like some kind of promotion or elevation in status. For some of you, an increase in net worth and a time of riches.

Because of the visibility you will experience this week, it’s important to look your best. Invest in your self-care and appearance because you never know what experiences the Universe has in-store for you! You may even bump into a celebrity or two…

If you are a gambler, the next few days will be opportune for you to play the lottery or hit the casinos! Jackpots are plentiful right now.

And a special message for my ladies–invest in a fragrant and luxurious perfume this week, if you are able to. There’s something about scents coming up, which will somehow support your continued success. Look (and smell) the part!

Let’s all step into our Rich Witch era!


Libra season is clearing out karmic debts for us, especially for those who have put in the work. A clean slate and new beginning is assured! If you are someone who has an altar, this week focus on placing items on it that remind you of abundance.

Other ways to invite abundance and success into your life are to use daily affirmations, look your best to feel your best, working on a gratitude list; you can also grab your free copy of my Divine Deposits guide, for my newsletter subscribers.

If you’re into spiritual baths, prepare a sweet one of your choosing. Using herbs like Bay Leaves (Laurel), Rosemary, Basil, and Chamomile in your concoctions can also help invite abundance in your lives.


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