Happy March everyone! Can you believe we made it to the 3rd month of the year already? This month is gonna have A LOT of energetic activity, which you can learn more about in the 2025 Guide. Prioritizing your goals will be crucial because doing this will help you keep your schedule clear of clutter. You will need time, space, and a “buffer” in your calendar as you adjust to the shifting energies. That’s not even mentioning the fact that we begin eclipse season this month and will welcome spring…it’s gonna feel like a wild ride at times! You can learn more about the energy for this month here.
This week will bring us welcome surprises–blessings we’ve been waiting on are making their way to us. I mentioned a few weeks back that there are some of us still in the “waiting room” of life–waiting for our turn to reap what we’ve sown. Bit by bit we’ll all get our turn, and this week will give more of us the opportunity to welcome long-awaited blessings into our lives.
Because we are still in a Yin year, slow and steady will be your best bet. Whatever gifts come your way this week, don’t spend them all in one place. Take your time to savor these blessings. As well because we are in Pisces season your dreams (whether daydreams or night dreams) will be very important. What you focus on/think about can instantly manifest, so keep your eyes on your intended target. If you didn’t create a vision board for the new year, now may be a time to consider creating one, or maybe refreshing the current one you have–maybe your dreams have changed since January (and that’s totally OK!).
Beginning of the week:
Most of you reading this are probably still in that “waiting room” I mentioned but maybe now you’re starting to see your blessings just over the horizon. Your dreams are not out of reach, there just may be some interference making it harder for your packages to arrive. Sometimes the blocks are internal–signals we keep sending to the Universe that we are not worthy to receive good things. That maybe we have to work hard for what we want. Or the interference could be external, through spiritual attacks. Whatever the case, Spirit wants you to know that the power is in your hands. You have the ability to change your circumstances.
You can amplify your spiritual protection work as well as look deep within yourself to discover what messages are playing in your psyche, that are preventing you from receiving more of what you want. Spirit wants to help you overcome these blockages and this month will be powerful to do so.
Middle of the week:
Priorities, priorities! Spirit keeps bringing this up to remind you that not everything in your life is equally important. You may have to drop some projects and obligations, especially because you don’t control every single aspect of life. What I mean by this is that certain “wildcard” events may pop up–circumstances you weren’t expecting–so if you’re bogged down with to-do’s you may get overwhelmed. Take time to refine what your routines are, what your goals are, and what is a must to pay attention to now. If something can be put off for another time, please move it.
Some of you may be presented with a new opportunity this week–this will come as a surprise, which is why it’s important to have space on your agenda. Focus only on what’s most important and what is bringing you closer to accomplishing your goals.
End of the week:
Beware of get-rich-quick schemes, scams, and shortcuts this weekend. Listen to your intuition which is telling you which options are green or red flags–if you’re indecisive about something, that’s a great way to know you need more information before proceeding. If you by any chance have been the victim of theft in any way, Spirit advises you to report it. Some of you may be getting something back which was stolen.
Saturdays are wonderful for banishing negativity–use this Saturday if you’re able, to partake in your preferred energy clearing rituals. Some of you may benefit from this in order to reverse crossed conditions. Spirit shows me that if you’ve been stolen from recently you most likely are dealing with a crossed condition, which is why they are bringing this up. You will need to cleanse the energy from your path.