Daily Tarot Reading – 5/4/2020

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family; Happy Monday!

From the “Magical Mermaids & Dolphins” oracle card deck

We’re at the start of a new week, and new day; a fresh beginning. This week (on the 7th) will be a Full Moon and a powerful gateway for manifestation; you will see the fruition of a dream or desire this week.

Ask and you shall receive.

Things are looking up and you have every reason to feel hopeful. Make time for friends today, even if for a quick catch-up. Connecting will help you feel supported and give you a more positive outlook.

Believe in the infinite possibilities of the universe. Sometimes we can’t even fathom how something we want will come true; the how is not up to you. Focus on what you want, without attachment to the outcome. That, or better, will manifest for you.

I’ve been thinking a lot about family lately. Many of us may not have had the best role models within our family structures,  but you have the opportunity now to cultivate a family of your own choosing; choosing your tribe. Or even clearly defining boundaries with certain family members, can help to lessen the toxicity you experience from them. Remember that you always have a choice, and you have power.

Know that you are worthy to receive the manifestation of your dreams; that you are worthy of more and better. Go outside if you can, and get in some much needed fresh air and sunshine, or open the windows to let the light in.

You might not see or be aware of what’s happening behind the scenes for you, but there is movement. Have patience and faith that everything is working in your favor!

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