Daily Tarot Reading – 6/15/2020

From the “Miracles Now” app by Gabrielle Bernstein

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Can you take a moment right now, just to love yourself and your life, even if just for 5 seconds today? Try it. Take a deep breathe in and think of the word Love, then exhale and think of the word Love.  Breathe in Love and breathe out Love. We can spend the next thousands of seconds thinking about what’s missing in our life; thinking on what’s wrong or what’s next…but try for at least 5 seconds to just love…everything…right here and now.

Be more aware today of how much time and energy you give to Love. How often do you make Love a priority? How often do you bless your life and circumstances throughout the day? A shift in your consciousness and experience begins with a simple step and that step is loving yourself as you are right now. Loving yourself as you look right now. Acceptance. Loving where you live. Loving what you have. Loving everyone in your life; even the ones who cause you grief and pain. Acceptance is forgiveness. Acceptance is grace. Acceptance is being present.

Acceptance is not about giving up or allowing yourself to be hurt by others. Acceptance is about reclaiming your personal power. Think on how much time you dedicate to thinking about other people and how they make you feel. Or how your outer circumstances shape your day. It has become too easy to focus on everything but ourselves. The sooner you can get back to that place of accepting yourself just as you are and accepting things and people just as they are, you can finally move past this “stuck” place.

The sooner you can move on towards the true you. The most authentic you. Your Highest and Holiest self; the self you have always been. Allow Love to guide you today and show you a better way to live.

Have a beautiful and blessed day all! Breathe Love into everything and everyone today. All you have to do is say, think, and affirm LOVE.

Don’t forget to share this post with your loved ones!


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