Daily Tarot Reading – 9/18/2020

From the “Chrysalis Tarot” deck by Holly Sierra and Toney Brooks

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! How high can you fly? Today consider how far you want to get, and how much you’d have to let go of to get there.

Travel light in life, is one of my mottos. Stuff accumulates and can take up space, unnecessarily, whether actual things, people, emotions, memories, etc. But we don’t have space for it all, and that’s a good thing.

Are you fulfilled with what you have and where you are in life? Most of us rarely are fulfilled; we may experience moments of fulfillment but they don’t last. We always need something new or fresh; this is the movement of the Universe flowing within us. Yearning to create new experiences. The Universe wants you to thrive; to soar! But you are the only one holding you back.

For many of you, I see today’s message applying to your careers. Where you are currently, things are “OK”. Whether a job or business, financially your needs are met, even if just so. But what your soul craves is something new. It’s time to branch out to another job or business endeavor; something outside of your comfort zone. Be willing to release insecurities about yourself; if you’re talented enough, if you’re experienced enough, if you’ll succeed, if you’re worthy of the salary you desire…you are being asked to release these burdens (and more). These conditioned fears and insecurities; these illusions you’ve committed to believe. Just as you decided to believe those lies, you can decide to believe in the Truth, which is that you are already perfect and worthy!

Actually for many I see new opportunities on the horizon, so maybe that dream job is right around the corner. But you might be too scared to accept it. Take a leap and say yes! Yes you are ready to leave the safety of the nest to fly! This opportunity is one that is aligned with your purpose. Yes you have the talent, skills, creativity, and authority for this new opportunity.

Give yourself permission to be great, and watch the miracles unfold!

Have a blessed day all, and if you connected with this reading please follow me on Instagram @BlessedManifestation or like my page on Facebook; your support is much appreciated.
Thank you!


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