Daily Tarot Reading – 9/24/2020

From “The Goddess Tarot” app by Kris Waldherr

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! We continue with yesterday’s message about Abundance. It’s not enough to want it or work for it, you have to also be aligned with Abundance if you want to be engaged in the continuous flow. The flow of opportunities, money, success, and victory.

Today is about treating yourself. Even if you are down financially, there could be something you can indulge in. Maybe a long, hot bubble bath, or a day off from work. The best kind of self-care is when you are being serviced by others, for example when getting a massage or a manicure. If you are able to, allow others to care for you today.

Self-care is a necessity. It helps prevent us from burn out, and restores us to look and feel our best, inside and out. Today’s card asks us to let go of the worries of money. Think back to when you were younger, and you didn’t really understand money, but you enjoyed spending it. Maybe you were bolder in your youth and you’d splurge on a quick roadtrip versus worrying over how to pay your phone bill for the month. I’m not suggesting you forget your responsibilities, but instead to think on what is most important in your life? Are your current bills adding value to your life, or just subtracting from your bank account?

Maybe that $30 per month you spend on streaming services can be used instead for a manicure. Or you can add that up over time, for a massage or trip. Point is, sometimes the bills pile up but what really is adding up is junk that no longer holds value. We’ve been doing the work of clearing the path for the new. Making space is very important for allowing Abundance in your life, to flow freely.

Whatever you gift yourself today, make sure it adds value and not clutter. Think about how this product/service or experience will help you feel; empty or closer to fulfilled?

Treat yourself like royalty and watch how this simple shift will change your reality in the best ways.

How will you splurge on yourself today? Let me know in the comments.


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