Daily Tarot Reading – 9/26/2020

From the “Tarot Mucha” card app

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! What you resist, persists. Any pattern you have yet to learn or overcome will continue to “haunt” you until you get it. Until you realize the common themes and pitfalls. There is work to be done, but don’t fret; there is always Hope!

The Nine of Swords card in traditional Tarot represents mental anguish. Your thoughts are spinning out of control; you’re worried about the future, but who can blame you? These times are uncertain, but actually they have always been uncertain. Life gives you no guarantees. Accept life’s ebbs and flow as they arrive, here in the present. Because this is a time of rapid manifestation, please consider taking the time to shift your perspective. Focus on what you want to create versus what you no longer want to deal with.

The best action you can take today is to get out of your head and into your body. Put your body to work; engage in an intense workout to work up a sweat, or something intricate like Yoga to be super present on your movements. I would even recommend a deep cleaning of your home. The point is to get grounded in today’s experience. When you’re too much “in your head” it can create an imbalance and make you feel ungrounded, which then triggers helplessness and insecurity. Try focusing on your Root Chakra today. Focus or wear the color Red, and try a free, guided meditation on Youtube to balance this energy center.

Today is not one for you to come up with solutions or solve problems, but rather passively receive the solutions and answered prayers you need. You want to try your best to not engage with the negative, anxious, or fearful thoughts; they will not help your cause. Check out yesterday’s reading for helpful affirmations, to repeat throughout the day.

Another reason why your thoughts feel obsessive and/or scattered? Because you are not as organized as you’d like to be. You need a solid plan to get moving forward. But in this case, the details of your plan won’t be ironed out by yourself; you’ll need a level-headed mentor to lend a helping hand. Write a note to yourself for another day, to look to your networks for a professional who can help. For many of you, consider speaking to a mental health professional who can help you feel more empowered with your life. Doing this will greatly benefit your healing.

Many of you need a special type of guidance; spiritual guidance. If you’ve felt called to spiritual pursuits and knowledge, now may be the time to walk on that path. Do it without fear, so you can receive the nourishment your soul is seeking.

Have a beautiful and blessed day all!


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