August 19 to August 25, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

Card 39 of "The Manifestor Oracle" depicting an illustration of an envelope with money exploding out of it, with a symbol of a dollar sign in the middle. This card is titled "The Income"

Blessings to us all on this new week and Full Moon in Aquarius! Mama Moon is helping us to usher in a time of victory–reaping rewards for our labors. And we also end Leo season and enter into Virgo season, bringing with her the material support we’ve been seeking!

This week will be wonderful for long-term financial planning, entrepreneurship, and investments. Because Mercury is still in retrograde, this week is more about strategizing and research rather than implementation. I also see new job or business opportunities heading towards those of you who’ve been in need for so long. This material support will grant us greater financial stability as we enter into an Earth sign.

Beginning of the week:

Surrender to the infinite possibilities of the Universe! Things are working out beautifully, just maybe not in the way you had planned. You can have what you want but what you can’t control is the form in which your manifestations take.

There are some big and blessed changes happening this week–we’ll get a glimpse into what this gift will be right away. At the start of this week there will be some news or confirmation that will make you feel very happy! OR this news may throw you off a bit because it may be something you’re not used to (yet). Keep an open mind.

Spirit advises you to spend plenty of time outdoors and get sunshine. Some of you may be dealing with depression, and you will need sunlight for your health (possibly even Vitamin-D; consult with your doctor for guidance).

Middle of the week:

Have you ever been presented with a wonderful opportunity that you had never considered before? This is exactly what the next few days will feel like. There’s a sense of serendipity in the air so someone you cross paths with may have an exciting new venture for you. While this may not be the time to jump into anything new, there’s no harm in doing some research. Get all the details on this new opportunity before you sign any agreement.

Some of you may be closing on a new home this week or considering moving, or possibly being offered the chance to relocate for work. Make sure to review all the fine points–this is a time to be strategic and use logic before making a decision.

Whatever this Divine gift is will make you feel giddy and excited, but don’t lose your head over it. Consider all the details carefully. Some of you may be offered a new role but possibly you could negotiate for a higher salary–this is why taking some time before agreeing would benefit you.


End of the week:

Patience and strategy will be your best tools this weekend. I can sense the energy may be a little confusing so now is not the time to start any new projects or jump into anything new–at least not until you have all the kinks worked out. I can see that some of you may come to regret agreeing to something if you don’t take your time. But not to worry if this is you–detours are ways to get back on track. If anyone rushes you for an answer, that may be a clear indication that the opportunity is not for you.

I can see multiple offers or opportunities coming in for you, which is why you don’t want to say yes in a rush, or to the first thing that comes up. You have the upper hand in this situation so don’t feel pressured to make a decision. The time for speed will come soon enough–conserve your energy and peace of mind.

Some of you will be going back to work soon after a long break–please take it easy and relax these last few days of your vacation. You will be back in the grind soon enough.


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