August 26 to September 1, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

Card 74 of "The Manifestor Oracle" depicting an illustration of a tree with green leaves and bright red fruits growing within. This card is titled "The Fruits"

Now that we are officially in Virgo season we can begin to experience the magic this Earth sign has for us. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, which happens to be retrograde right now until the end of the month, so things may still be a little weird; stay grounded and practical while the energy evens out.

This is a powerful week for manifesting more of the material resources we need in life, as well as a week to enjoy the fruits of our labors. Virgo can have us really working hard so make sure to balance that with some more play, and fun. Splurge a little on something you’ve been wanting, if you happen to receive a bit of unexpected money. It’s important to pay yourself first.

Beginning of the week:

Don’t quit on a project just yet, even if it hasn’t quite worked out according to plan. There may be some kind of news, insights, or opportunities coming in to help you realize (materialize) this goal. Don’t quit right before the miracle.

For some of you, something that didn’t work out in the past may be coming your way for a second chance. In this case it may be related to your finances–a job, or some other kind of income. Now is the right time to take the step forward with this endeavor.

Middle of the week:

You may want to consider partnering up with someone in order to reach your destination. Sure you can try to do it alone, but you’ll reach your goal faster and easier with some help. Someone may be coming to the rescue this week, to give your plans a much needed boost.

Some of you may be at odds with a romantic partner–you may want to head in one direction but they are facing another. Before taking a step further, take a moment to find some common ground. Now isn’t the time to jump into anything new. Both of you need to be strategic about what the future looks like for your relationship, and what’s most important. Spirit assures there are options you both may have overlooked, and a discussion can help you come to a mutually beneficial outcome.

End of the week:

Virgo season is a wonderful time to get your health back on track. If the summer BBQ’s and frozen margaritas have your body feeling out of balance, now may be the time for a detox. You can also call on spiritual guidance to help you receive divine support on your healing journey. The Virgo energy wants you to clean up your routine to help balance your body, mind (thoughts), and heart (emotions). A balanced self will help you when the time comes to go back to work, if you’ve been on vacation, or for when you start your new job, if you’ve been unemployed for a while.

You may also experience a creative boost soon–channel this energy to help you get back into alignment with your material goals.


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