Daily Tarot Reading – 4/6/2020

Good morning everyone! The question for today is, how are you tending to your Spiritual garden? How much time do you actually spend on your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being?…

Daily Tarot Reading – 4/5/2020

Good morning family! How are you feeling? Yesterday was such a lovely day; did you feel the shift? My family and I did some spring cleaning, and were thankfully able…

Daily Tarot Reading – 4/4/2020

Good morning everyone! Today is 4-4, 2020; what I consider to be a '444' day. In Angel Numbers '444' is the Angels' way of letting you know they are with…

Daily Tarot Reading – 4/3/2020

Good morning everyone! We made it to another day, thank God (Source, Universe, etc...). There's great value in Rest. Resting renews us; recharges us. Rest gives us the peace and…

Daily Tarot Reading – 4/2/2020

Good morning loves! Today we are being asked to be patient. Today is a day of Grace; having the grace to know when to surrender. Surrendering doesn't mean you are…

Daily Tarot Reading – 4/1/2020

Good morning all! Happy April! We made it to a new day and a new month; rejoice! For those of you who have been following me on Instagram or Facebook,…