Daily Tarot Reading-01/03/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Divine Justice is on your side, for your highest good. Fair compensation is on its way to you now–what you are owed is coming to you.

As I’ve been mentioning in the past few readings, your financial circumstances will improve. We are heading towards a time of balance. If there was money that was owed to you, from a legal settlement for example, the blocks have been lifted and now you can receive what is owed to you. Your prayers for financial support have been answered and you will reap your rewards very soon.

Allow balance to be your guide at this time, in all areas of your life. Are you giving back as much as you are receiving? Are you resting as much as you are working? Are you being supported as much as you support others? You set the tone for the circumstances in your life, so make sure you are taking care of yourself as much as you focus on other things and other people. I would even say you should take care of and focus on yourself more. It’s the only way to receive the Divine healing energy we are all being sent at this time.

Rest assured that your needs are being met. Be gentle and kind to yourself as you set out on a new beginning. It’s also important to take extra care of our bodies as well; focus on nourishing your body with what it needs to heal, and thrive. Don’t be afraid to say NO to others; to their needs and problems. This is really a time to be more self-centered, you already give so much to others. Everyone has their own journeys, and you have your own to focus on. This doesn’t mean there’s no room for compassion, but at some point you have to realize that there’s only so much you can do for someone else. You have to be your biggest support and biggest nurturer. Respect your limits and boundaries, and make sure others respect them as well.

Spirit is routing for you! Have a blessed day all!


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