Daily Tarot Reading – 10/25/2020

From “The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards” app by Colette Baron-Reid

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Even though you are moving forward on your journey, know that detours will always be present. In this case, we’re taking a little detour down memory lane, to revisit something you missed the first time around.

We are now in Scorpio season and “in the thick of it”, so to speak. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio is asking us to take a detour before we continue to move forward. Pluto wants you to ask yourself, am I really ready to move on? You will be tested. This is a time when old patterns and behaviors, old relationships, old wounds, may come to the surface for true healing. There’s no healing in the shadows, so Pluto will bring to light what must be addressed.

You may experience a ‘deja vu’ here and there. If it seems familiar, then you’ll know you’ve arrived. So what now? Look at the circumstances with a different perspective, and try a new approach. Now that you’ve gone through it you know what do to to get back on path. This is a time of opportunity and empowerment! That closure you never got? This may be the time to get it. This is the time when you’ll either keep hanging on or finally say ‘goodbye’ once and for all.

Uranus, the planet of revolution (or chaos, depending on your perspective) will also shake things up. You might learn something new from this blast from the past, which could leave you feeling ungrounded. Everything happens in Divine timing; you are taking this detour for your own good. This is for your healing. New doors and opportunities cannot come into your life until you release what is no longer of service or value to you. You can’t move forward until you move on.

Be patient and gentle with yourself and others. Take things slowly and don’t rush through this process. This re-visit will allow you to know what not to do, to avoid this detour altogether, so you’ll want to take your time and do it right! But not to worry if you keep looping into the past; you will eventually learn what must be done to move towards the future.

Have a blessed day all!


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