Daily Tarot Reading – 10/29/2020

From “The Oracle of E” card deck by Pam Grout and Colette Baron-Reid

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! It’s very easy to blame people and circumstances for what you are unhappy about in your life, but the time has come to hold yourself accountable. It’s time to take responsibility for your own actions, or lack thereof.

This Scorpio season is especially powerful because of the truths which will be revealed about ourselves. You might be pushed to think or act out in ways you normally wouldn’t, but what’s occurring is for your benefit; to help bring forth what you’ve been hiding. Everything that you’ve kept in darkness has to come to light, and it is demanding you deal with it. So what are you going to do? You no longer have the option to suppress what you have not been wanting to deal with, but know that you don’t have to go through your inner inventory alone.

You are cleaning out your inner rooms, discarding what is no longer of value and bringing to the surface what you have yet to learn or address. Spirit is helping you with this sacred task. As we get closer to the Halloween Full Moon, which will open a gateway towards powerful manifestations, you will feel the pull towards healing much more intensely. Your thoughts and emotions will be much more in-depth. You may experience all kinds of dreams, as your subconscious unravels to the surface, into your consciousness. Into your active mind. Know that you have done this task before and this time is no different. You can do this. In fact, you need to do this. Your soul yearns for this cleansing.

The entire Universe is supporting you and routing for you. It wants you to succeed and will help you in every way you allow it to, so…take deep breaths as you continue to surrender to this process of transformation. Acknowledge that you have the power to welcome and create tremendous, and wondrous, changes into your life. The same can be said for creating terrible changes. You hold so much more power than you think. It’s time to change the narrative. Move from victim to victor and begin to make shifts towards the life you want to live. Allow Spirit to guide your way.

Have a blessed day all!


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