Daily Tarot Reading-3/12/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! We are about to get hit with a wave of emotions this weekend as we approach a New Moon in Pisces, while in Pisces season. However, how you approach this wave will determine whether you crash or surf.

First off, your emotions are valid. What you feel and experience is valid and should be acknowledged. However, how can you not take your emotions personally? For example, we have thousands of thoughts per hour, do we engage in each and every single thought? No way! We don’t have that kind of time. The same then, should apply to emotions. Just because they are passing through doesn’t mean you need to engage with them. Now don’t take me wrong, I’m not telling you to avoid emotions. What I’m saying is, consider them as they visit and determine whether you need to have a heart-to-heart with them, or just allow them to pass through. This is where discernment comes into play.

Because of the placement of this wave, today’s card is letting you know that you may not necessarily need to engage with the flood of emotions you may experience this weekend. Sometimes you need to just let things be. If you allow this wave to wash over you, you will surf with the flow of life. If you decide to engage and try to understand this wave, you may end up swallowing more than you bargained for. In this case, if you crash try to find stillness, to allow the tide to carry you to shore.

This New Moon in Pisces will be like a dark mirror, reflecting the darkness within us which we have not been wanting to engage with. We are both of light and darkness, and need to respect these aspects of ourselves. Give yourself permission to look at what this dark mirror reflects for you, and then question it. Ask it if it is real or is it just an illusion? Is this reflection something you still believe to be true about yourself? Because of all of the transformation we’ve been experiencing since 2020, this is a powerful opportunity to determine if you want to keep moving forward or if you need some time to consider if some aspect from the past is still an active participant in your present? There’s no right or wrong answer; this is life’s journey.

Most importantly, don’t fight what comes up for you. Don’t resist it. Go with the flow. Revelations and epiphanies will make their way to you, to help you understand the lessons you’ve been learning recently. Deep understanding will be yours, if you want it. This powerful New Moon is preparing us for blessings to come in the springtime, and beyond. Welcome its healing energies and allow yourself to be purified by its holy waters.

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