Daily Tarot Reading-3/18/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Wow, another Major Arcana card! This Spring Equinox and Aries season is opening a floodgate of opportunities and blessings for us all. Make time this week to welcome the new seasons by de-cluttering your homes and also your lives.

A physical cleansing is called for; start to pack up, toss, sell, or donate any items which are just taking up space. Whatever takes up physical space also takes up energetic space. Don’t worry, you don’t have to clean everything this week but at least get started with the process. If you are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, take it room by room, and then create a strategy for each room. As well, try to incorporate more touches of nature into your home, by having plants and/or crystals, really anything that is of the Earth.

You’ll want to make space with your time and schedule. Any outdated meetings or workshops, drop them. If there’s anything on there that’s not fun and is also not necessary, get rid of them too. Don’t be afraid to say no or to cancel plans. You’ll want to free up your time and energy for the surge of creative inspiration coming your way. You’ll want to ride that wave to complete any unfinished projects, or to start new ones.

This is a time of harvest; Aries season actually is the start of the astrological calendar so we are going to be entering into a “new year’, or new cycle. At the end of this Pisces season and beginning of Aries you will begin to reap what you have sown. There will be a reclamation of whatever you think you may have lost. This will be a time of renewal and second (or third, fourth) chances. Point is, whatever may have “died” previously could potentially be revived–believe that anything is possible!

This is also a time of great Abundance. Why you want to start with the cleaning and de-cluttering now is to make way for the other powerful gateway opening this month, with the Full Moon. So you’ll have three more chances this month for wish fulfillment. Just remember that the more you care for those seeds you’ve planted, the stronger they will flourish. If you’ve been wanting to start a business, or get a new job, or buy a home, now is the time to start working on those goals. This is the time to create the strategy for the kick-off when Aries season begins. Remember this is an opportune moment for us all, so take full advantage of these blessed energies.

There will be expansion on the home-front, whether moving into new homes, or welcoming family members/loved ones into your home; maybe even creating a family of your own. Your needs are being met so you don’t have to worry about moments of lack; abundance is always with us. Stay grateful for all of your blessings and more will always show up when you need them most.

Have a blessed day all!

P.S: I am moving my blog to another platform; if you’d like to continue to receive the daily readings please be sure to subscribe to my email list here, so you won’t miss out. The transition will be happening within the next week and I don’t want you to miss any of the readings.

As a bonus for joining my list, I am also including a complimentary copy of my “Divine Deposits” e-book, for spiritual support in boosting your income.

Thank you for your continued support!


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