Daily Tarot Reading-3/19/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! You’ve been waiting a while for some good news or a blessing; have patience and faith because there will be a rainbow after this storm. Know that whatever challenge you are facing will soon come to an end, and justice will be served.

You are so close my love! Almost at the end of the tunnel. Rest if you must, but don’t you quit. Whatever you are feeling or experiencing is valid. Be gentle with yourself and take your time as you transition from this stage towards something better. If you are feeling down, go outside and get some fresh air, to gain a fresh perspective. Most importantly, if you are feeling kind of “blah” or bored with life, consider for a moment how a time of no movement could be its own blessing–you have a moment of calm and quiet to ground yourself in.

The energy is forward moving so know that things will be changing for the better rapidly. Take a minute to go over every single thing you have to be grateful for; the bed you are lying in, the clothes you are wearing, the friends in your life, the food you are eating; gratitude will open the doors to miracle, and will help elevate your mood. But don’t be hard on yourself if you can’t seem to shake the funk; collectively we are all feeling strained.

For some of you today’s message is pertaining to your romantic partnerships. The “honeymoon” period may be over, so to speak. Maybe you aren’t feeling the sparks anymore. This is not a cause for worry. Every relationship has peaks and valleys. This is a moment to dive deep and get to the root of why you are feeling this way; what has changed, whether in yourself or your significant other, to cause you to feel this way? It’s important to ask yourself these questions to determine the source of this hiccup (which by the way, is temporary). I recommend not making any drastic changes today. But if you find yourself still feeling “blah” about your partner after this week, think about what made you happy in the first place about this relationship, and is there a way to get back to that place (or better)? If not, then decide on what you want to do from there.

If you’re single and feeling lonely, romance will be in the air soon, so don’t give up on Love! Take this time as a single person to really get to know yourself and fall in love with yourself first, before giving your love to someone else.

One of the best ways to elevate your mood is by connecting with friends. Maybe you need a gab session where you can all vent about what’s going on in life; someone may offer some sage advice to help you overcome this block. It’s Friday, so this is a moment to have a “happy hour” with people who know how to have fun, and show you a good time, even if it is a virtual thing. Find your happy today because it’s important for your well-being. While it’s not realistic to be “happy” all the time, this is a moment to rejoice because good news and blessed changes are on the way. No need to worry!

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to subscribe to my email list here, so you won’t miss out on these daily readings!


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