Daily Tarot Reading-3/27/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! I feel the winds of change blowing our way. The past couple of days were a pause in the momentum, to help us catch our breaths, in order to prepare for the coming changes. Opportunities and circumstances will present themselves soon, and you’ll have to make a quick decision. Fox spirit is here to help you reach that decision swiftly and creatively.

It can be overwhelming to have to decide something quickly, but sometimes you get a dream option that you can’t pass up on. No one wants to think they made the wrong decision. The first thing to check is how you feel about the choices which have presented themselves. Which one feels the most exhilarating? Which one are you pulled to more? Sometimes you have to push logic to the side and go with your gut. Or consider which part of yourself is having the most hesitation with moving forward. Your mind will always have endless calculations and consequences, but how does your heart feel? With the strong influence of Venus in the air, we’ll want to follow the decisions which feel right for us; which feel the most loving.

Most importantly, don’t hesitate when you are presented with that dream opportunity or choice. This is a sign to trust that you are moving in the best direction right now, and you will make the best choice. Trust in yourself as well! You are more than capable of making good decisions, and ultimately any detour you take will lead back to the main road.

It’s possible that the door presented to you today has an exit sign hanging over it. In other words, maybe you’re moving away from something rather than towards. Endings always herald new beginnings, so if you are being guided to close a chapter today, trust that something better will come along. Something stronger and more of a match for the person you are today. Don’t be afraid of the end of an adventure; everything ends and begins again, just like the seasons. Enjoy and savor what you can, and know that anything that’s not favorable won’t last. Be grateful for your cycles of beauty and bounty, and learn from the cycles of darkness and decay.

Have a blessed day all!

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