Daily Tarot Reading-3/31/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Our Lady of Passion is here to reignite the fire of creativity within you. We are all being reborn into Spring, and therefore are receiving new energy and clarity, to complete cherished projects or goals. Allow yourself to be inspired today.

Whether you know what your Purpose here is or not, you will soon be in alignment with it, to understand it better. You have the power to accept this Purpose or to choose a new path, especially if you have changed significantly over the years. It’s OK to not be excited about the things we used to enjoy.

If your Root and Sacral Chakras (energy centers) are balanced, you will experience a great sense of joy and excitement over your dreams, projects, or goals. The creative juices will flow and you will have an easier time at finally making this dream come true. Keep track of all of the brilliant ideas that come your way; you won’t be able to get everything done now but you can have a library of ideas to choose from later on. If you’ve been out of balance, consider wearing brighter colors in your wardrobe (avoid dark and neutral colors), especially in orange or red hues. You can also wear crystals such as Orange Calcite, or Red Carnelian to help you feel pleasure again.

Show up feeling and looking your best today, to attract more sweetness in your life. There’s something awakening in all of us, and will manifest in different ways. Pay attention to what your body and emotions are telling you, especially when making decisions today. If something seems boring or like a chore, put it off for another time. Put fun and laughter at the top of the list, to elevate your mood, and vibrations.

Life is telling you that something wonderful is unfolding; believe it.

Have a blessed day all!

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