Daily Tarot Reading-3/8/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! This is a very auspicious time to harness the raw power of the Universe to supercharge your manifestations. The energy continues to flow forward, and therefore so should you continue to move forward with your plans.

The power of the Universe is wild and untamed; it just is. It can be used in any way you want; power can be used for the purpose you give it, whether for good or for harm. The Universe only communicates through vibrations, so however you intend to use this power just know it is ready to be put to work. Think of yourself as a lightning rod, channeling the power flowing from the heavens to you. You direct the power according to your will. So what are you most excited to create today?

Those seeds you’ve been planting recently will be set by this week’s New Moon, for a blessed manifestation by the following Full Moon, or better. Point is, continue to focus on your intentions and follow any guidance you receive. The guidance will be to align you to receive what you have asked for, or better. Always be flexible with how and when your intentions manifest–the form is up to the Universe. Have faith that everything will be delivered at the best timing for you, or something better will replace it.

There’s another message for today, and that’s to also bend to the will of God (Source, etc). Yes we can tap in to the power of the Universe, but we don’t control it–it cannot be controlled by us. There are universal laws which are a part of the fabric of our experiences, and are much bigger than us; we have witnessed this power unfold in our reality through natural occurrences, such as Earthquakes, for example. We cannot control a storm but we can control how we react to it. Learn to accept when something is out of your control, and for this I recommend stating the “serenity prayer”…

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Just because something happens that leaves you feeling vulnerable or scared, doesn’t mean you are being punished. It also doesn’t mean the situation will last forever. There are bigger forces at play in everything. Adapt to your circumstances and use your power whenever you can. And surrender to the situation when you can’t control it. Sometimes acceptance is the most powerful move to make. Balance your emotions with your thoughts, to temper your reactions.

Pay attention to the forces at play in your life, and take shelter in Spirit when you feel overwhelmed.

Have a blessed day all!


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