Daily Tarot Reading – 4/16/2020

From “The Good Tarot” app


Good morning family! The King of Clarity has graced us with his presence today, making sure we are all aware of the facts.

Intellectual pursuits are highly favored today, so if there’s something to learn or research you can be sure that solutions will be present. Today is all about what is real, actual, factual. What is actually happening? What is the Truth?

Human Truth can be subjective to one’s experience, but above all else there is Divine Truth. Can you distinguish your truth from The Truth?

The only way to know what is real and factual today is to question everything. If someone tells you something you’re unsure of, ask for further clarification. Same goes for signing contracts or entering into agreements of any kind; cut to the chase and get all the details, to make an informed decision.

Wear the Crown of Knowledge today as you continue to tap into your conscious thoughts and subconscious awareness; being aware of your own thoughts, intentions, and actions. Also, what is your vision for the future? You’re not being asked to start working on it and map out how everything will be, but start to consider what that looks like. What does your life look like when you’ve reached a goal or dream? Vision helps us get clear on what we need to do here and now, to walk on that path.

One final message for today; many of us are receiving stimulus payments or additional government assistance. Please be logical with your financial decisions, and I urge you to save some for a rainy day. Be clear on what is actually an important expense, versus buying for “fun” or just to feel good. Create a budget if you can, and also do some research on how to improve your financial circumstances. Try and avoid big, non-essential purchases today.

Remember that you have the power and authority over your thoughts, emotions, intentions. Be grounded but also stay flexible to the flow. Have a beautiful day all!


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