Daily Tarot Reading – 4/19/2020

From the “Nature Spirit Walks” app

Good morning everyone! I hope you’ve been taking it easy and getting the rest, and healing you need. I know I sure have. This past week was intense for me so I’m glad I’ve gotten the opportunity for restoration.

The message of rest and pause continues. Trust that everything is working as it should be. Everything is working in the best way.

The Divine is working on bringing restoration to Earth, and to our lives. We need to continue to stay out of the way, which is another reason why staying home is essential right now.

Our home is being restored. Our consciousness and experience is being restored. If you’d like clarity and to understand more of what’s happening, now is the time to turn to your Spirituality. Divine Wisdom is within us all.

This time is also ripe for Spiritual Awakenings. The time to question your current Spiritual beliefs, or to begin a spiritual practice, has come. We’re all being called to remember our partnership with the Divine. To remember the Holiness within us all.

The Holiness I’m referring to is not defined in a religious context. Holiness is the whole part of you; the highest version of yourself. This part that has always been with us and which we are striving to get back to. The Holy part which is healthy, whole, healed; complete. This is what you are now; hopefully you can remember that.

All of our needs are met and everything is working out according to Divine will. I hope you all have a blessed day! Thank you for tuning in.


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