Daily Tarot Reading-4/19/2021

Daily Tarot Reading-4/19/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for April 19th, 2021:

Try not to judge your emotions. Some people have an easier time of surfing the waves of our subconscious, while others struggle; every person has their own journey with their internal world. As we enter into Taurus season we will be urged to tap into our emotions for the guidance we seek. Learn to let your feelings and intuitive abilities guide your decisions today.

You might be feeling extra sensitive or extra perceptive; either way you’ll feel differently than how you usually do. Be patient with yourself as you learn what this moment is trying to tell you and teach you. The Father of Water (traditionally known as the King of Cups) is letting you know that it’s OK to follow your heart; whatever you are feeling or experiencing is valid. Sometimes the emotions you feel might prove to be uncomfortable, as we learn to swim these waters. Just try to find your own rhythm.

The Father of Water is confident in his journey. He understands himself completely, and he acknowledges that others may not necessarily understand him; he’s totally fine with that. Accept yourself as you are now, what you’re feeling and experiencing now, and where you are now. There’s no need for comparison, and if the people around you don’t understand your journey, that’s OK–be open to finding others who will be receptive to you, as you are.

Follow the beat of your heart and allow it to nourish your life. What are you called or inspired to do today? Sometimes all it takes is a small shift in the routine to experience a new adventure. Whether or not today brings about a change, be patient with yourself and the Universe. Everything arrives in perfect timing and form. For many of you, a blessed change in your relationships is underway. Some of you may be led to a new romantic partnership, or a strengthening of a current relationship; be open to new and unconventional ways of courting and romantic gestures. Again, your heart will let you know which path is ahead for you. If you find that some of your current relationships (family, friends, lovers, etc) are no longer nourishing your heart and spirit, take a break. You may be drifting apart, as is natural when people change. You don’t have to burn any bridges; let the shift between you be organic. Go with the flow.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share this tarot reading with your networks!

Deck used: Vision Quest Tarot

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