Daily Tarot Reading-4/25/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for April 25th, 2021:

Challenge yourself to let go of what you’ve been taught about money and material goods. Train yourself in the habit of finding security within–to know that you are safe. Your dreams are safe. Your life is safe…safe in Spirit.

I say this because it’s very easy to create a sense of security in your home, in your job, in a relationship, but what happens when those things are gone? Or when you realize they are not as “safe” as you thought? What if instead you became grounded in the fact that there is no eternal security in anything outside of yourself, but there is always safety in faith–the faith to know that you are loved, supported, and worthy. Yes, find a sense of security in your materials goods, but don’t place all your faith on those things. Find a balance between the physical and the spiritual; you are a child of both.

Be willing to be more flexible with the ebb and flow of life. Sometimes you have plenty, and sometimes you have less, but Abundance is always with you–it is your Divine Inheritance. To put it more simply, Abundance is Love, and Love is always present. As we enter into the Scorpio Full Moon, you are being challenged to ask yourself, what makes you truly feel safe? Where does security reside for you? And then ask yourself, what or who do you turn to when you need a sense of safety and comfort? If your answer doesn’t contain Spirit (God, Source, etc), then you might want to find out why. What is holding you back from Love?

Scorpio is not about the easy, so if you feel discomfort or uneasy then you know why. Scorpio wants you to go within and find out what self-imposed blocks you have placed on yourself–why do you need to sabotage your progress? Why do you challenge change? These are super important questions for you to be asking yourself, as you come to realize the strings pulling you and your life–who is the puppeteer and who is the master? Are you the Master of your life? There’s no shame in admitting that you may not be, but at least be honest with yourself about it.

This is an important time of breakthroughs, and this one can help you decide the course of the next adventure. By the way, some of you may be receiving a new source of income or unexpected money coming in; by digging deep in the exercises this Full Moon has for you, you can determine how to best use this windfall.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

Deck used: Vision Quest Tarot

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