Daily Tarot Reading-4/26/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for April 26th, 2021:

The Fox is identified as sly and cunning, but really is diplomatic and discerning. This majestic creature knows when it’s necessary to hide, and also when it’s time to come out of hiding. Today channel Fox spirit to help you with all of your interactions.

Sometimes the best plans are worked on in secret, and our furry friend is letting us know to keep things in hiding until the time is right to bring it to the light. With today’s Full Moon in mysterious Scorpio, keeping things private may be the way to go. While you work on choosing the next path, keep things to yourself until you are on solid ground. Our dreams and desires are precious and fragile; they are not yet ready to be exposed.

Keeping things to yourself can also help to conserve your energy. Others around you may want to pull you into their dramas and negativity; you can be compassionate without being completely caught up in the story. Use Fox spirit’s diplomacy to help out but also know when you need to take a step back. Find balance between being a supportive friend and also taking care of your needs, by setting healthy boundaries.

Today is one for pause and reflection. You’ll want to conserve your energy while your reserves are being restored. There’s no need to push forward. Be present with what is and be still; wait for the right moment to come out of hiding. You’ll know when that is by observing everything as is, without judgement. Be willing to let go of expectations, which have been slowly draining your energy away from you. Expectations lock you into a very limited view of the world. Anticipate what you want, but do so with detachment; always knowing Spirit will present you with the very best opportunities at the best times. Learn from Fox spirit today and cultivate patience, as you wait for your golden moment.

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

Deck used: Druid Animal Oracle

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