Daily Tarot Reading-4/28/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for April 28th, 2021:

The main planetary player right now is Pluto, which has started its backwards dance in Capricorn. The planet of death and chaos is moonwalking into the planet of order and structure, causing old and outdated foundations to be shaken; tested. So what does this mean for us?

Our foundations are being shaken globally, via governments, corporations, economics, and they will also be shaken for us personally. In a way this is a test but also not a test–a gift. It really depends on your reaction and perspective to the circumstances which present themselves to you. Your most immediate reaction might be one of fear, doubt, and uncertainty–feelings of lack. But why be afraid to “lose” what’s not working? Observe yourself with immense patience and compassion as you try to understand what comes to the surface for you.

Pluto helps us to face our fears–to bring our inner shadows to light. To bring ‘death’ to what is no longer nourishing our experiences. Think of Pluto much like the “ghost of Christmas past”, coming to show you what you may have overlooked; themes that are still playing in your present reality. Some memories or circumstances from your past may come to revisit you, giving you another opportunity to learn and heal from them; to recognize what you couldn’t before. Do yourself a huge favor and just allow things to be; allow things to pass–you don’t need to fight so hard all the time.

We are still in Taurus season, so slow and steady will be your best approach. Leave the grand plans and gestures for another time. Focus today on the fine print; the small details and simple pleasures. Lady’s Mantle is calling you to go outside and “smell the roses”. Learn to find the beauty and miracles of life in nature–learn to take the day as is. Learn to just be, like everything in nature just is. Let go, even for a small moment, the need to control every second of your day. Let go of trying to control yourself, your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Just be. If something unexpected and/or spontaneous comes into your life today, accept it and even welcome it if you can–it will be a wonderful teacher for you. Remember that you are protected and Divinely Directed; Spirit always has your back!

Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!

Deck used: Druid Animal Oracle

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