Daily Tarot Reading-4/3/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! There’s a great mystery surrounding our lives; we often meet this mystery when circumstances happen and we don’t know what the purpose was. Some people may call this God’s will, some people may call it Karma, or Law of Attraction. Whatever your beliefs are surrounding the “unknowns” of life, just know that you will either one day understand the why, or you may never know. In any case, it’s important to surrender.

Maybe you don’t want to surrender, and you need an answer–it’s your right to choose which path to take. But what would you rather spend your energy on? Is it all that important for you to know why, in order to gain closure? Or can you move on knowing that one day you will understand, or that you may never know. If you feel like you need to go down the rabbit hole for answers, go for it. Try your best to see if you can piece this puzzle together; sometimes just trying is enough to take you to an end of the road. But consider for a moment if surrendering to what is could be your best option.

This is a time of renewal and rebirth, and as such will also be a time of re-evaluation. This means that you may encounter past circumstances and patterns, to have the opportunity to either continue the cycle or break it. Sometimes repeating a pattern can feel like “why is this happening to me again”? Just think of how valuable repeating patterns is. Once we notice it, we can decide what the next best course of action will be. Our bodies, minds, and hearts hold the memories of what once was, so we can decide from this point forward if we need to repeat this pattern, or if we’re ready to let it go. Every time we repeat a cycle we learn more about it. We gain wisdom that we missed the last time around. It’s like watching a movie over and over, and learning something new every time. This process is healing and will strengthen you every moment you re-experience it.

Just like we have physical audits here, we seasonally experience spiritual audits. Our spirits continue to be weighed and measured, and karmic debts continue to demand payment. This is a reminder that we reap what we sow. Make wholehearted amends for any wrongdoings to others, and to yourself. Do this to continue to experience Divine purification and be released from the burdens holding you back from your blessings. It can be as simple as just feeling remorseful and asking for forgiveness (even of yourself). If you’re uncertain of what to do next, just wait for the answer you need.

Allow yourself to be baptized in the Holy Waters today. Have a blessed day all!

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