Daily Tarot Reading-4/5/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Today’s card is like a perfect representation of Aries season–having lots of ideas and creative energy, but not enough follow-through. You may have the energy and enthusiasm to work on a goal or project, but the strategy and guidance are lacking. This can cause confusion and indecisiveness. Take some time today to get re-oriented so you know which way to go.

Firstly, consider that you may have too much on your plate. It’s easy to get unfocused when there’s so much going on, so before you commit to anything else, take time today to get organized. Whatever opportunity or obligation comes your way right now, just ask for time to think it over before you agree to move forward with it. Otherwise it’ll end up in the pile of “unfinished business”.

I love lists; maybe that’s not your thing, but find something that is. The creative juices are flowing for us all, but without the proper focus, it’ll go to waste, OR be mis-used as aggression, frustration, or anxiety. If you’re someone who likes to figure things out on your own, then spend time today getting clear on what tasks are priorities right now, and what isn’t. As well, you may be more inclined to work on a project if you feel inspired by it; if it feels like a chore you’ll just keep putting it off. If you’re someone who needs to work with others for solutions, then ask for the help you need today, but be strategic about who you partner with. Look for someone who can help you get organized and is good at problem-solving. Ask them if they have time to help you get clear on what to do next.

This may also be a time to become a student again. The confusion and indecisiveness could be due to lack of information. You might not have the skills and knowledge to proceed as you want. You may have also been recently presented with a new job or role, which you don’t have enough experience in. That’s OK because we all have to be students before we can be masters. Be patient with yourself and find ways to learn the skills you need moving forward.

Lastly, consider getting a mentor or hiring a professional to help you complete the tasks you choose to work on. You really don’t have to be stressed and overwhelmed if there is help available (and there always is). Once you can get grounded and focused, your creative force will be channeled to break any self-imposed obstacles. You can overcome this block.

Have a blessed day all!

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