Daily Tarot Reading-4/6/2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Today we have another card in the suit of Wands (or in the case of this deck, Staves) which continues to represent your projects and goals. Though this suit generally represents action and energy, today’s card tells us to take a step back to look at our creative endeavors, and consider what the long-term goal may be. What outcome are you working towards?

I actually recently had an epiphany about a project, deciding it was better to take a more passive approach. I find this works best when you’re doing everything you can to keep the energy moving forward, but there are many stalls and delays. Sometimes you need to let a project breathe for a bit, while you figure out your next move. You won’t be missing out by taking a pause, instead you may learn something new, and insightful.

This card to me is also advising us to zoom out, in order to gain a bigger perspective. This will be useful to any creative blocks; by considering another method or approach you might be able to find inspiration where you thought there was none. For some of you, plans you thought were “in the bag” have fallen apart. You may be feeling a sense of loss or disappointment at the “failure” but remember there are invisible circumstances we are not always aware of. Everything has a purpose, even if you don’t know what it is. Your work was not in vain. Another opportunity or moment will come–all is not lost.

You can also rest assured that up to this point, you have tried your best, and have done everything you can. Now is the time to allow your mind the opportunity to be more expansive with thoughts, ideas, and notions. Be willing to remove limitations on what you think is possible for you, and for your goals. As well, be more flexible with the manifestation of your goals because a better option may show up just when you need it most. So if you are feeling down today because you feel that things aren’t working out the way you wanted them or expected them to, rather than fixate on ‘what’s wrong’, try to focus on observing from a more neutral standpoint. In fact, it may be helpful to go over things with a trusted ally; they may be able to shift your perspective and offer alternate solutions.

This is a temporary moment of pause because the energy will be forward moving very soon, especially with this weekend’s New Moon. Take this break to catch your breath, and get out to enjoy the beauty all around you–while you’ve been working on your goals, you may have missed out on some wonderful moments of love, and peace. Go make time for your loved ones–the work continues another day.

Have a blessed day all!

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